Alex❤DG's feed

Alex❤DG created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

After read spoilers all i want to say F*UCK OFF KLOPP! Raphael deserve better. Aelock don't deserve all this shit. He paid his sin 1000x times of what he did. BUT KLOPP NEVER ONCE PAID WHAT HE DID IN THE PAST!!!
What's the point of other 2 regression? They still end up together without Klopp being suffer or at least give a proper redemption arc!

In 2nd life (Aelock regression), he remembered his past but Klopp can't. I actually like this world since everything happens before Klopp turned to be an egoist monster jerk. So yeah, it's ok if they get a happy ending. Aelock deserve to be happy and loved. From my perspective, Aelock actually ended up with someone else (new better version of Klopp) not that jerk from 1st world. Yk what i mean?

In 3rd life (Klopp regression). He remembers the past but Aelock can't. I hate this world same like 1st life. He was still a jerk and even wait to the tragedy happened (literally he thought about raphael being raped and killed). After all misunderstanding about Aelock is clear, he wants to redeem him. Of course he also try to commit suicide. But at last they end up together. He still feel guilty and promised to treat Aelock better and give all his heart. BUT WHAT'S THE POINT???? THAT WASN'T AELOCK THAT HE BULLIED, HIT, RAPED, INSULTED, ABUSE AND LET HIM DIE IN TRAGEDY!

What's the point of him to apologize to a new version of aelock who didn't know anything and the tragedy also not happening? He needs to suffer from what he did in OG. At least don't let them end up together. Wth with happy ending when he don't even deserve it? I really want him to encountered OG Aelock and suffered 1000x of what he did. Say that to OG aelock!

Am I wrong to feel this way?