Alex❤DG created a topic of Backlight

Idk who is more pitiful. Yeongwoon? Inseob? Kimdan?

Alex❤DG created a topic of Surge Looking For You

Umm... Isn't Yiho is a boy in official translation? Why good girl not boy? The translation got so much error. Anyway, i just came to see yiho not bothered with other thing.

Alex❤DG created a topic of The Falling Merman

This is why Lanbo hates people and against Randi's action for saving people... Look at what they did to Randi..

I read some spoilers (not sure) that they killed Randi and Lanbo went berserk. Not only his husband/mate (Randi) was killed, they also killed his son (he already got pregnant with Randi's child atm). They cut his tail and replace with legs for experiment. Lanbo has gone thru alot heartbreak. His ghost son become his enemy under manipulation and lots things happen ig. Not sure where is the real Randi. Is it clone or what idk.. haven't read the novel

Alex❤DG created a topic of PASSION

Tay really like a black cat who cannot sit still.. i can see ilay was smiling if he saw naughty tay keep running off and back home after he done playing.

Alex❤DG created a topic of Surge Looking For You

Baby smells so goood... I can smell baby powder.. Ahhh wanna kiss our chubby baby yiho sooo much.... Too much cuteness..

Alex❤DG created a topic of Surge Looking For You

Yiho most adorable baby... I want to hug him soo much... He's so cute... Give me heart attack

Alex❤DG like topic of Solo For Two

I'll just drop fluffy spoiler to ease mental draining this story.

In the extras side story, Karel was reincarnated as Charles's great grandson in the modern era. Karel didn't remember the past so does sasya. Actually he went to his late great grandpa house (charles) to find something to help his company. He had little problem with his family business. When he went to the manor, he look around in a store room where he found sasya portrait and likewise he feel in love for the first sight like he did in the past. He then found the old video tape of sasya dancing ballet and was in awe in sasya dance and beautiful. However in the tape he saw a guy kissed and hugged passionately and knew that was sasya's lover. He got very jealous and angry until he saw the guy in the video resembles him and sasya calls him karel. So he assumed that he was reincarnation of Karel since his name also the same (his name is Karl) Then he said if he was reincarnation, his lover, sasya should be reincarnated too.

He start searching sasyaa reincarnation around the world in all ballet studio but found nothing. He was like madman who lovesick. He was crazily in love. He looked everywhere and it took some time tho until he finally gave up. He said maybe he just crazy about the reincarnation thing. With brokenhearted he said he should forget about sasya.

One day, his friend come over and talk about dance scholarship for talented student. She gave karel a profile. Inside got a pic of her and a pretty young boy. His profile name.... Sasha. Karel heart beating like crazy. They eventually meet again and both seems to feel in love in the first sight.

Note: Karl and charles name (means karel in other language). Sasya name is nickname for alexander/dra in Russia.

Alex❤DG created a topic of My Suha

Sorry to ask this dumb question. Who is Jia and Jiwoo? I read this story years ago (haven't read side story of red hair yet). I forgot if jiwoon's parents is alive or not...

Alex❤DG created a topic of God Jangsan Tiger

Wtf is goin' on w the plot??? I got scammed thought this would be good. Is the author drunk or what? FL is annoying asf and cringe. I came for seolbeom.

Alex❤DG created a topic of Puppy Love

Yeah i would do the same. Wtf leaving your wife just because he asked if you want sxx or not? You can just properly refuse instead storming out. Bruh... Gyujin better go back to your mom house so this puppy reflects. He always like this. Never talk but run away. It pissed me off

Alex❤DG created a topic of Solo For Two

For those who doesn't like bittersweet ending can read my spoiler here. Note: this is spin off-reincarnated story.. at least they don't suffer like in the past

Alex❤DG created a topic of Everlasting Love

Ppl said seme didn't cheat and they already broke up when seme sleep around with other ppl. Ewww.... Let me ask you, can you hv sxx with many ppl right after you broke up with your lover. After rabbit got himself other guy he suddenly all about "love". Bullshit! If you love him, just break up. No need to hv sxx with others. Don't say he didn't enjoy it??? Rabbit heard their moaning! Ewww... Love my ass

Alex❤DG created a topic of The Falling Merman

Lanbo be like : nobody can hurt my husband. Only me. ME!!!! *Keep bombing

Alex❤DG created a topic of I'll Be Here for You

I want to see crossover adult kangmu X smol Kirin.. miss them so much..

Alex❤DG created a topic of EQUIPOISE

His dad reminds me of Se Kyung's dad . HIGH SCHOOL RETURN OF A GANGSTER.

Alex❤DG created a topic of Solo For Two

Isn't this girl is the one who had crush on Karel and the one that made Sasha jealous? Ugh he married a girl who in love with him? Poor Sasha. At least find another women. Idk what Karel was thinking. The level of angst keep piling up

Alex❤DG created a topic of Wolf in The Cage

Quite similar with Red Haired James

Alex❤DG created a topic of Solo For Two

I'll just drop fluffy spoiler to ease mental draining this story.

In the extras side story, Karel was reincarnated as Charles's great grandson in the modern era. Karel didn't remember the past so does sasya. Actually he went to his late great grandpa house (charles) to find something to help his company. He had little problem with his family business. When he went to the manor, he look around in a store room where he found sasya portrait and likewise he feel in love for the first sight like he did in the past. He then found the old video tape of sasya dancing ballet and was in awe in sasya dance and beautiful. However in the tape he saw a guy kissed and hugged passionately and knew that was sasya's lover. He got very jealous and angry until he saw the guy in the video resembles him and sasya calls him karel. So he assumed that he was reincarnation of Karel since his name also the same (his name is Karl) Then he said if he was reincarnation, his lover, sasya should be reincarnated too.

He start searching sasyaa reincarnation around the world in all ballet studio but found nothing. He was like madman who lovesick. He was crazily in love. He looked everywhere and it took some time tho until he finally gave up. He said maybe he just crazy about the reincarnation thing. With brokenhearted he said he should forget about sasya.

One day, his friend come over and talk about dance scholarship for talented student. She gave karel a profile. Inside got a pic of her and a pretty young boy. His profile name.... Sasha. Karel heart beating like crazy. They eventually meet again and both seems to feel in love in the first sight.

Note: Karl and charles name (means karel in other language). Sasya name is nickname for alexander/dra in Russia.

Alex❤DG created a topic of Silent Lover

If this mfckar Qiyu didn't threaten Liqing with his dad, Liqing would still be the dumbest wife to accept him again even he nearly died in the prison because the guard and Qiyu has been torturing him like hell.