perkystar's feed

perkystar created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

In our bid to thrust the blame on each of the MLs for the tragic events of their lives. There are 3 people to whom we've not given enough attention

1) Raphael... I mean, what sin did he commit that he gets to be treated like sh*t in every timeline (how dare he shove him). I mean, his only "crime' is that he fell for Kloff... He needs to be left alone and a Green Flag partner needs to be found for him

2) Kloff's (witch) old maid... That woman helped Kloff destroy a man over decades. She is as bad as her master. I think we need to drag her too

3) Aeroc's butler.. that man stood by and fought for Aeroc even after he lost everything and was like a father to him. we need to send him some love in the comments too. Plus, I love how he always keeps Kloff on his toes with his sassy comebacks...

Thats all.. Thanks