Wait so long haired dude had to become nux to give doyun the mix’s blood but the director just found nux blood just chilling in a cupboard???

I remember the previous nux said he promised to give nux blood to long haired dude & black haired dude, but long hair dude already used his blood and then he found out that black hair dude lied and already used his blood which is what pushed him to take over as nux. lol maybe it just time for me to reread

He has been holding onto the Nux blood. He kept telling the blond that he didn't have it yet but he would get it as long as the blond did what he wanted him to do i.e. sleep with him. He planned to wait until Doyoon died then pretend to get the blood "just a little too late". Nux revealed to the blond on the rooftop that he already gave the vial of blood and that the only way to get more was to become Nux himself. That is what finally pushed the blond to become the next Nux.

ideally i want wonyoung to be the one to break the news to him but with all the interruptions and him chickening out i feel like its just foreshadowing the fight theyre going to get into once taejun finds out from someone else that wonyoung approached him in the first place with shady intentions. i hope theyre able to work it out quickly because i wanna see them have more sexy times lol

i mean he was doing that with the mom & we all saw how that turned out so idk why he's thinking that this will solve everything. i kind of hope that esau finds out about the mother's suicide tape so that they will no longer have anything to hold over his head anymore. i know its going to be super traumatizing to watch but im hoping that hosu can help him through it.

ive read up to chapter 84 so i can give some spoilers with the dad & dara
the president of minhee's company contacts the reporter and she leaks the information that minhee's dad is pretty much trash and manipulative towards his students and the story blows up in korea while all of them are in the competition in germany. minhee's mom actually helped the president by providing a testimony and proof to make the story more credible. because of the story blowing up the dad's piano tour is on the verge of getting cancelled so he rushes back to korea and leaves dara on her own.
also some spoilers about dara because fuck that bitch but minhee's dad basically told her that she will never be as good as minhee because minhee is his daughter so that makes minhee automatically better than her and he also gets really mad at her because she isn't playing exactly like he tells her too basically saying shes trash lol. she starts freaking out and during the next performance she gets a nosebleed!!!! hmmmm sounds familiar? honestly fuck dara and i hope she never gets a redemption arc
i just wanted to say i really appreciate that you buy the raws so we can view these chapters without watermarks!