Ok, that was just cruel. Updating PLACEHOLDERS of all things on a CHRISTMAS day of all days. Making everyone think "yaih finally an update".
What's the point in multiple placeholders tbw :_(
Tbh.... Byul is acting way to stupid. It's annoying.
These 12 chapters... are they "only" Vol.1? Because I found raws of Vol.2 on facebook (the first two chapters) and it's none of these 12 chapters. So this here isn't completed, it's in fact incomplete, right?!
What's with this absurd censorship?! What can there possibly be to censore when all he does is kiss his neck!?!?
Bummer that the 2nd couple at the end didn't get their own story. Would've loved to read it!
Is it me? I love this manga. The drawing, the characters... but ever since... vol. 4 or even 3 the plot is SO lacking. There's zero to none development. And every time you think sth's finally happening it already ends too early.
Vol.5 already has TWO chapters - but their story is basically a side story you give people after the main story & plot ended. Or a bonus chapter. Definitely not nearly half of one whole volume.
And that's such a shame bc it deserves a proper plot.
So Azlak being held responsible for starting a whole damn war, where innocent people died!! is worth a stupid "plan" like "oh no we have to do something - I'll go myself" (also after eyerything he did to you personally!?), but Marja will be send of with a handshake and a smile saying "I won't say goodbye bc I'd cry"?
Well one way to finally make me dislike Louie. It was lying in the air for some time tbh.
Is he fucking serious?!?! Who says "let's end it" to their partner FIRST THING after they had a miscarriage?!?! How insensitive can you possibly be!
And how annoying a storyline can an author possibly write??
He better means something else & we all just misunderstand!
We've last really seen Sebastian & Ciel 2019. Now they're FINALLY back and there is a hiatus. Hurts a bit :')
Do you think there'll ever be a 3rd volume? The last volume came out before Corona hit xD
This story started VERY strong & promising, but I found myself waiting for the main "event"!? Like, yes, things happened, but it all was rather ...like a strong but ultimately uneventful stream in the woods, no highs no lows.
No idea, I at least found myself a bit disappointed in the end, bc it had so much more potential :/ bummer.
Wait. 5 years of no Sebastian & Ciel. And just when we finally got them back (bc as interesting as their servants background stories might have been, it all was way too long!!!), they announce a hiatus
Does anyone know another manga/manhwa etc. with an uke-like seme that's as protective as Eve here :D?!
Can someone explain to me what happens at the end? What's real and why can he suddenly throw a punch at Eve like that?
I still really enjoy the manga and hope for many more volumes, but it's somewhat odd. Plenty of potential plots get addressed, but never really happen.
The whole thing with Shizuma's boss has been there for ages (at least 3 volumes) but nothing happens. Status quo.
Minato still has a huge problem dealindg with his past with his mother, fearing becoming like her, but it also doesn't really get adressed. WE read his thoughts, but Shizuma only sees he's insecure, but can't grasp the severity of it, bc even in Vol.5 it's again not talked about.
He's amazing in reassuring Minato, but often doesn't really understand why esactly.
It's all rather frustrating.
Them house hunting was interesting, but I absolutely thought this will finally be THE volume, where we get the boss-plot. But nope. And i find myself rushing thru the chapter, bc I've been waiting for that for so long that I can't wait for the next chapter, expecting this'll be finally it.
Btw: The sneak peak of vol.6 makes me yet again think the potential boss-plot will get addressed... with how Minato is dressed xD pleeeease let it be it finally. Some proper plot.
First things first: THANKS FOR UPLOADING :D
2nd thing: There are a few pages missing in Ch.19, right? It's rather short and seems to end at an unusal bit.