Seriously how much more abuse can this kid go through, seriously Seungho just once you can listen and freeking give this kid a break. I'm seriously heartbroken after this chapter. I think I'm just going to wait for the ending and step out for now before continuing to read this.
I went for a drive with my husband while reading and I'm now bowling my eyes off and he looks panicky ask me what did he do lol. This is honestly a really good read.
thank you guys And it's been a awesome journey with this manhwa. This manhwa is honestly one of this best out there from the story to the drawing. I'm kinda sad to part with with it.
Well at least this time it's not as frustrating like always. Glad they are having this sweet scene going. Reading this at times wants me to pull my hair.
Where do you guys read the novel and is it a happy ending