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Anonymous September 23, 2023 1:02 am

Guys, nobody is forcing you to read this story. Just don’t read it if you hate it so much.

    trivialoves September 23, 2023 1:09 am

    we add a little bit of drama to entertain ourselves!! like a hate read

Anonymous February 23, 2021 5:10 am

I cannot describe how much I love YD wrote this chapter! Now this was truly a love making scene. The previous smut scenes in this webtoon were good too but this scene capture something else. I felt like the author did an amazing job at showcasing how these two are comfortable with each other. Taking their time talking, having a little bit of a banter, lol while still keeping the atmosphere heated with the felt so real even though these are fictional character. I remeber in one of YD’s interview she talked bout wanting this to be relatable and maybe this is tmi but if you’ve ever experience this kind of intimacy in the bedroom before then you totally know how well YD wrote this! I am just so blown away how well written love or hate is.

    canela February 23, 2021 5:30 am

    i love how perfectly you described everything i loved about this chapter!!! its like the more fluff in it gives you more butterflies than a full on rough sex scene UGH THIS IS IT THEY ARE THE ONE TRUE PAIR

    edelric February 23, 2021 6:01 am

    i think you mean chapter 102 lol but yeah. agreed with everything you wrote!!

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