I love the ending, and I cried, but when I reread...um...I am very concerned about the author since what the hell is this? Really Eren and Mikasa, even though he clearly stated that it's not a romance manga, then ended up being one. The worst part is that they are adopted siblings...adopted sibling....even worse, not letting Mikasa go and moving on from her life to forget about Eren. Plus we're not sure if this is the right translation that is actually from the original paper cover manga. That is pretty fucked up that Eren won't let go of Mikasa and just let her be free and try to move on from her life like really. This isn't the right translation because the original Korean manga pages translated said it very differently because he doesn't say she but you. I knew this translation was off I am not joking because the word she in Korean is written differently, I checked the writing and did research on it and it is not She. So we have to wait until the paper manga comes out and see what he's actually saying.
I have the manga and this is an unofficial translation of yarchin bitch club like who translated this? Even the art style is different, their translator is Satsuki Yamashita. Yarchin Bitch Club has an official translation so how come they can't update their translation manga on this website? No, really their art style is different and that's not the right translation.
Really this is bullshit, and the creator said it's not a romance manga, then it turned out it is. Why do I feel like this was pressure on him because I know for a fact that he didn't want anything romantic between the characters to show that they will be dead and no one kiss in the manga. Not only that but Mikasa is literally his sister... what the actual fuck I know she is not blood-related but it's confirmed that the Jaeger family adopted her and she kissed her own brother. Mikasa finally gave up on having feelings for Eren but noo, she returns to him like a little fangirl like bitch you don't need this f*cken man! For fucke sake she can find someone better than him. I am hoping Jean is able to turn as a human because she deserves someone better than him and Eren like that it shows he doesn't give fuck any more and he doesn't care if she kissed him. plus I am not sure I can't tell if that her dream or Eren actually talking to her but if it is Eren in her dreams that Eren is no longer the same person she knew.
She acutally did, which made me upset that this strong character who doesn't need this man ended up returning her feelings towards Eren. She did gave up on having feelings for him when she gave up the scarf. Yeah now Mikasa has feelings towards Eren but Eren doesn't have feelings for Mikasa. There was a better way to do this and not have Mikasa to kiss him.
No you are a stupid toxic bitch that you think all ereri shippers are like that even though they aren't and there are ereri shippers that ship eremika and wants it to be canon. You don't even understand that Mikasa shouldn't keep having feelings for Eren and should have gave up on having feelings for Eren. I said it was romance because it's similar to Naurto, Bleach, Tokyo Ghoul, and Demon Slayer. They aren't romancing manga but they have their main character to be with the girl and the author didn't want that for Eren to be with a girl.
The reason why I said he didn't confess to Mikasa because someone translated wrong...I wish I was joking, but I am not, I am dead serious. It was in Korean, so before it got translated, I was impatient, so I started to translate it..so he said it differently in the Korean raw version it actually said, "All I want you to love you forever!" I checked in a different app and online translation. I even check the word she or her in Korean, the writing for she or her isn't even translated. I checked, I did my research, but I may miss something if there is another different writing to say she or her in Korean. if anyone knows Koreans, here is the word that Eren said.
평생 다만 사랑해 줬으면 좋겠어!!
I am not joking that what it said when I translated but I might be wrong who knows.