Like I know that his behavior towards his children is wrong but I don’t nessecarily blame him for being possessive and hating the other males. You got to think that he’s a snake and was left in the wild young and grew up alone and hated, without love. So now that he experiences love he dosent want to lose it or share it. So I understand him and still love him
Anyone know the novel link ??
JFC this is the only thing i got
sorry it isn't much, i'm still searching myself
Anybody know when they switch there bodies back ? And if they do? Or have any spoilers please ?!
I read this in other language, they will switch bodies but only temporarily in chapter 29... I wrote a detailed spoiler (but only until chapter 31, the newest chapter in korean is chapter 34), you can read my spoiler if you want to, but it's so long because it's detailed :
Poor girl now she’s truly alone