lexi491625 created a topic of To become a Sadist

I didn't really like the threesome. not cuz i have beef with them or anything but mostly cuz mr goo has been resisting a threesome w his ex this WHOLE TIME, like thats even why they broke up. (mr lim didnt really want it either but felt the need to explore and test his boundaries which is aight but like... read the room. you say you dont wanna be stuck in their ego battle, so why did you stick urself in it girl?!? you dont have to prove shit to these people!) but most of ALLLLL its cuz it felt like mr kim, the slimy annoying ex with no boundaries, is the only one who wins. he finally gets the threesome he wanted with goo - he's literally a voyeur so he was gonna enjoy it regardless of if goo and his boo included him or not, he's got his lil bitch tied up at home he can emotionally abuse, and he can get a rise out of lim AND goo by making them jealous, thus sating his ego/sadistic tendencies by taking up space in their minds. like why does he get a reward for being The Absolute Worst??? i feel like he's been dating goo's exes this whole time just to see who he could use to lure goo into a threesome with, and now YEARS later after goo has moved on and established himself, he gets to swoop back in, play in his face, and get everything he wanted??? annoyinggggg

lexi491625 created a topic of To become a Sadist
lexi491625 created a topic of On The Way To Meet Mom

i love jiggly puff dinner scene sm. and the character design is UNREALLLLLL. the judge is ABSURDDDDD

wtf is this premise. not even the premise, thats not even the problem. the way the mc "finds out" the ml's (in this case gabriel, the catcher) secret is by finding him passed out in the shower. cool. but then when he saves him he accidentally ends up giving him a blowjob then jacking him off????? no way no sir no maam

lexi491625 created a topic of Define The Relationship

ok ash's friends are absolutely assholes assuming they were gonna get married bc ash kept taking him back even tho he treated him poorly the whole time they were dating?? and then bringing up said toxic ex at the new lovebirds home??? tragic.

(i know they dont know he left him for some bro in the states but it did say he left and came back a bunch before then so they probably could tell they weren't a stable couple, just in an unhealthy attachment. why would u encourage ur friend to go back to their toxic ex???? ew)

i literally laughed out loud at the size of his dick. u expect me to believe that twink took TWO of those unexpectedly???? gtfoh lmaoooooo

lexi491625 created a topic of Define The Relationship

ash's friends are assholes. who goes to someone's housewarming party for their first house with their partner and leads with "Oh yeah your ex (who you were bonded to and were gonna marry) is in london and looking for you"??? absolutely foul work and a hater through and through

shoulda been a GL ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ . im on ch 20

this shoulda been a gl (im only on ch 27)

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  • Author: Jung Seokchan
  • Genres: Yaoi / Comedy / Slice Of Life / Webtoons
lexi491625 created a topic of Our Sunny Days

that was very insightful of kwon about parents and reencountering traumas through the children they need to protect and guide. that also why it's important that we don't rely so heavily of the immediate family and have multiple trusted adults in children's lives. i love this story sm, there's so many gems

lexi491625 created a topic of Love Remedy

im just starting this now but why is this twink cosplaying as an alpha in the first place?!?!? shordy this man has a whole foot on you, height-wise. how long did you think this cover would last??

hmmm... these two don't make any sense to me. i have absolutely zero comprehension of their reasoning these past three chapters glad they're making up now tho. a "trust building" arc is always a good move

lexi491625 created a topic of Written in the stars

this was a doozy. gang rape is nottttt my kink and this was particularly vicious. author-nim seems to hate tf out of their characters cuz whyyyyy did they have to suffer so much? this whole entire society is horrendous. yes they SHOULD change doctors. id be damned if mmi bring my baby to be treated by the man who collhded with my abuser and tested meds on me without my consent. at first i didnt like yoojoon but now i pity him immensely. by the end I just wanted them to find oeacte and happiness together (and for the grandfather's extensive suffering). i do appreciate the resolutions (unrealistic recovery process from severe trauma aside), and i really love the second couple.

my biggest squick of this whole thing was having the second couples most precious storyline climax underscored by the aggressive SA. like, how tf am i supposed ti enjoy and appreciate all these feel good feelings over here while shordy is literally in the process of getting drugged, assaulted, and degraded in graphic detail in between?? i was skipping the SA and having a hard time cuz i had to scroll through anyways not to miss large chunks of story progression. that whole thing sucked. i do think i like the story in total and i love a happy ending, but this was brutalllll

i want more books detailing their whole romance and side stories for all their friends please

lexi491625 created a topic of Full Moon Alchemist

yessss destroy the bully!!!

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  • Author: 십분
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Smut / Fantasy