First and foremost, this is a drama, The subplot is romance. Stop asking for romantic interactions between ML and FL and complaining every time you don’t see them.
The whole story revolves around everyone, there’s not really a “MC” either. If you guys want a romance so bad, go read something else. So tired of y’all complaining every update.

I actually adore pink hair guy, I think he’s perfect for female lead. It was hinting at him since the beginning if anybody wants to reread. They always had romantic tension while 2nd ML likes her yes, but she never saw him anything more than a friend.
Idk why you guys would want her to get with someone she doesn’t like at all romantically. That would be unfair on both ends. I love 2nd ML to death tho, he deserves with world. I think it was very admirable that he brought ML and FL together and didn’t lie. And I’m glad he didn’t have a love interest at the end. It’s about growing developing and friendships not just love.
Although it would have been better to have more romantic moments with FL and ML. That’s my only complaint :( <333

I feel like MC shouldn’t have dated sunbae especially if he has conflicting feelings for his brother. I think he should’ve figured out his feelings first before diving in and dating someone else.
Because we know he’s gonna end up with his brother and sunbae is going to be collateral damage which sucks if sunbae is actually a good person and so far he seems to be.

I can’t believe I ever defended Go Eunhyuk. I’m so disappointed with him. The fact that he’s acting like everything is OK and all nonchalant is pissing me off and don’t even get me started on his joke about not formal because Su aue set her boundaries.
No circumstances will excuse him, ghosting her for eight years. Where did my green flag male lead go?
I’m absolutely devastated
Why is the ML so damn OP? How tf is going around hypnotizing everyone
I know. This became a supernatural shonen jump type of series lol