I thought this was solid only to see ppl having different thoughts and it’s valid cus everyone’s entitled to their own opinions but I can’t help but think that the ppl that don’t like this are too used to reading fluffs and unrealistic plots.this whole story is prob hard for others to read bc of how realistic it is, it’s not full of loopholes, it was coherent story telling and gave u each character’s inner dialogue as well as their whole thought process. which is incredible bc all of it was personal to themselves.and that’s hard to do so props to the author. I’ve gone through the phase of only wanting to read happy ending stories cus why would I read a piece of media that would make me stressed? So that goes into play of the ppl that don’t fuck with this hate it bc of how much it reflects reality and real people…ik we’re used to reading healthy stories with occasional conflict but those barely touch the surface of a real relationship and it’s rare they ever address the vulnerability of what each person goes through.. the characters are purposely portrayed as flawed and in that sense makes them human. Everyone else saying end this already-we’re back to the beginning- uhhhh did u even read the chapter this is them openly communicating and moving forward bc they want to be better for each other and stay together…
Nobara was a character for the girlies and I love it omg shoujo manga is so back