I truly hope that with out generation we grow to be more open minded. Like I feel like we’ve experienced a lot and our mindsets compared to our parents have changed. Like for example homosexuality. With this being a predominantly Yaoi/Bl/Gay manga reading site I’m sure everyone is okay with homosexuality.
And as a generation we have grown so much when it comes to homosexuality. People used to struggle everyday to keep it a secret to stay hidden because it wasn’t accepted. But now people are fighting for it to be accepted and even if it isn’t people will still do it. Because we’ve changed. People grow and it’s beautiful. We learn from our mistakes and we try to correct them. Although sometimes that doesn’t happen for example climate change.
Young people see the change we’re living it. The abnormally hot weather, and cold. We see it we feel it and we know it’s happening and so we try to change it. While our parents/adults see it and they may not want to deal with it but we will.
Idk what this really is I just wanted to show how we’re changing. I originally wanted to start an acceptance chain for the LGBTQ+ community because every single person deserves to be accepted for who they are. And I just thought it was so beautiful how we as humans can change.
I also wanted to briefly touch in racism, mainly cause my family is racist and homophobic and they deny it that I want to say something about it. I’ve had problems living with my father for a while because I think differently. I never agree to what he says and I don’t believe in what he’s saying because it sounds stupid. His mind is stuck in the past where women were treated like tools and homosexuality was disgusting and he still has that mindset.
He hates it when something is “Gay” and denies that he’s racist when his every sentence is a racist comment. And because if these things I feel like ive grown up well. I’ve learned to think for myself and decide what I believe in. I’m not racist. I can’t say I’m 100% not racist because I will catch myself thinking something rude or saying a joke that can be considered racist.
It’s because racist is a hard word. Anything can be racist depending on how they interpret it and it’s scary. I don’t like feeling as if I’ve somehow offended someone because of a comment I made or something I did. I just don’t like it. So I try to keep my thoughts to myself. I don’t say the hurtful and rude things I want to say but I tone it down. I still speak my mind but I filter myself.
If I know what I’m gonna say Is hurtful I just won’t say it.
Okay now I really don’t know where this is going so I’m just gonna post it and say goodnight. This has helped me procrastinate on my homework and my SAT is in 2 days.
And as a generation we have grown so much when it comes to homosexuality. People used to struggle everyday to keep it a secret to stay hidden because it wasn’t accepted. But now people are fighting for it to be accepted and even if it isn’t people will still do it. Because we’ve changed. People grow and it’s beautiful. We learn from our mistakes and we try to correct them. Although sometimes that doesn’t happen for example climate change.
Young people see the change we’re living it. The abnormally hot weather, and cold. We see it we feel it and we know it’s happening and so we try to change it. While our parents/adults see it and they may not want to deal with it but we will.
Idk what this really is I just wanted to show how we’re changing. I originally wanted to start an acceptance chain for the LGBTQ+ community because every single person deserves to be accepted for who they are. And I just thought it was so beautiful how we as humans can change.
I also wanted to briefly touch in racism, mainly cause my family is racist and homophobic and they deny it that I want to say something about it. I’ve had problems living with my father for a while because I think differently. I never agree to what he says and I don’t believe in what he’s saying because it sounds stupid. His mind is stuck in the past where women were treated like tools and homosexuality was disgusting and he still has that mindset.
He hates it when something is “Gay” and denies that he’s racist when his every sentence is a racist comment. And because if these things I feel like ive grown up well. I’ve learned to think for myself and decide what I believe in. I’m not racist. I can’t say I’m 100% not racist because I will catch myself thinking something rude or saying a joke that can be considered racist.
It’s because racist is a hard word. Anything can be racist depending on how they interpret it and it’s scary. I don’t like feeling as if I’ve somehow offended someone because of a comment I made or something I did. I just don’t like it. So I try to keep my thoughts to myself. I don’t say the hurtful and rude things I want to say but I tone it down. I still speak my mind but I filter myself.
If I know what I’m gonna say Is hurtful I just won’t say it.
Okay now I really don’t know where this is going so I’m just gonna post it and say goodnight. This has helped me procrastinate on my homework and my SAT is in 2 days.
2020-03-03 14:19 marked

On another note, this decision wasn't made solely because of some random entitled/envious/asshole persona. We have been receiving hates ever since we started the novel(which is almost 3 years alr), but we decide to keep them as secret because we mean no harm to anyone and think no one deserves what we have been through. However, we are still human beings with emotion, we feel hurt, we feel pain, we feel underappreciated, and this is our last straw. It's too much to continue something when your inbox filled with +100 hate mails because of some random typo or one-line joke.
Thanks everyone for sticking around with us for so long, but we have come to decision that our mental health need love too. Don't send hate, but rather go support the author for making such amazing work of art.
Ra peace out (●'◡'●)ノ
P/s: Go visit our website, we translate other novels too. World of danmei isn't just Modao.
2020-01-30 15:31 marked
Don’t mind this you can keep scrolling I just wanna try being poetic.