05 12,2024
09 11,2024
08 11,2024
21 09,2024
23 08,2024
23 08,2024
I hate those weird anatomical diagrams that are basically x rays of the semes d inside the uke, I don't even understand the appeal. also I HATE HATE HATE overly large pps, ESPECIALLY WHEN ITS UNCENSORED NOOOO
Maybe this is just worded weirdly but why complain about seeing female characters in fantasy novels and not the fact that authors refuse to write them in a way that makes them more than a romantic interest for the mc. Also there are tons of great female characters in fantasy novels/webtoons sooo
1. If one is shorter they are the uke
2. If one looks scared or flustered they are probably the uke
3. If they are straddling someone they are the uke
4. If the cover has only one person on it they are the uke, idk why but uke's are always the main characters
5. If they are between 2 people they are the uke
6. If they are looking at the reader they......
Dark heaven which literally the best bl manwha ever written if you disagree go argue with the wall
I think a lot of people overuse the term "porn addiction", porn addiction refers to when you consume pornography to a point where you can't stop watching it and it negatively interferes with your daily life, relationships etc. if youre simply daydreaming about it and it's not negatively impacting your health or life or anyone else then it's fine.
a parent naming their kid something like carrot or sparkle (these are actual names) and a parent naming their kid Lkhagvasüren which is a Mongolian name for great healer is not the same thing. The English name is treated as ridiculous because it's a name for an object and in American culture it's considered ridiculous for a human being to be named......
A cute cuddly mankiller or a disgusting hairless ape thing....hmmm I CHOSE CUTE AND FLUFFY MANKILLER
Its definitely normal, I feel like in America smoking cigarettes is looked at worse than smoking weed that's how normalized it is.
I don't think it's always the uke, just the main character (who is almost always the uke for some reason). This is the case for romance in all genders, the main character is usually bland looking so the audience can project theirselves onto them and the romantic interest is supposed to be more attractive so it appeals to the audience.
Your team is up against Lebron James, Candace Parker, and Anthony Davis. How are you winning?
25 03,2024
I'm pretty sure most people who say they're "mewing" are doing it ironically. It's like an excuse to stay quiet, so you shouldn't feel bad for laughing because it's a joke.
Does anyone remember that time when you were signed out and you'd also end up on fashionlib.com in the middle of a manga, what happened to that?? Now anytime I'm logged out some weird radio shows up and I end up on other manga can anyone familiar with this site explain.