sui bian created a topic of Sunday's Consolation

having mixed feelings with the team manager. i hate how he's so blatant and obviously glad that Rawon is quitting but at the same time i wouldn't mind having a shitty team manager just let me go without the hassle of going through resignation process and still get paid in full for my last month pffft

sui bian created a topic of Sunday's Consolation

mixed feelings with the team manager. i hate how he's so blatant and obviously glad that Rawon is quitting but at the same time i wouldn't mind having a shitty team manager just let me go without the hassle of going through resignation process and still get paid in full for my last month pffft

heard a theatrical compilation film was recently released and i saw an animated picture from what looked like the the beach scene after KuroAda visited Kurosawa's parents. but what's exactly is a theatrical compilation film??

sui bian created a topic of Tadaima, Okaeri

how do we differentiate the twins by the parting of their hair again?

sui bian created a topic of Hold Over You

pfft that certain scene from "you want to talk with me", "have a conversation with me", you're interested in me", to "you like me". istg if this wasn't supernatural themed ml would've turned into those stereotypical obsessive fan characters who can't be reasoned with... not that he isn't already obsessive but i do want to give him (and the currently missing plot) the benefit of the doubt that we'll soon start seeing some progress in either one

awww they came a long way, especially Naui...

also i'm seeing ppl say the ending is copied off of bj alex? dudes this and bj alex aren't the only manhwas with beach endings so that is some pointless accusation. why not read something for what it is and not compare it with something else. unless there was some extremely blatant copy going on then feel free to bring up an argument but i don't think this manhwa has anything to do with bj alex's ending, copied or otherwise and i just love this manhwa too much to let ppl say it has a bj alex ending coz did bj alex even began the beach scene ending trope?? no!! although let's be honest, the beach scene ending is overused but that's the path the author chose so whatevs. the boys are happy and that's enough

sui bian created a topic of 19 Days

yeah no should've locked the door lil Mo. it's He freakin Tian, of course he didn't leave

sui bian created a topic of Whose Baby is it?

more like they've been managers of their egos and pride this whole time than they are of their artists. and fan wars are no freakin joke. they drain the heck out of fans and artists alike and yet those managers utilizing that for their own disgruntled satisfaction at the cost of unwanted rivalry rumors between their artists, how very unprofessional of them

sui bian created a topic of Our Sunny Days

aww them cuddling by the car is so adorable! i love it when they address even the tiniest bit of predicament so it's all been smooth sailing. if it were other manhwas we would've gotten a few (frustrating) misunderstandings here and there. this couple's communication is everything!!!

sui bian created a topic of Surge Looking For You

there's another baby in a famous omegaverse manhwa who now has his own story and is all grown up and i hope Yiho will also get his own story later on but right now i want more baby Yiho moments first

sui bian created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

finally! it was about damn time the uncle paid back everything he owed Dojun. i was hoping this part had come earlier especially after Dojun's brother made his appearance but the amnesia arc just had to occur first pfft

i completely forgot Wu had been wearing that mask in the previous updates so it caught me off guard when he bursted into the room while still wearing it. every one else's reactions were priceless lmao

sui bian created a topic of 19 Days

LMFAOoooo He Tian giving them a small portion that'll barely fill two men

sui bian created a topic of Pride ni Kiss

i kinda need more chapters to conclude whether i liked this one or not....

sui bian created a topic of Hold Over You

at this point the comments are all i'm here for now. get the plot moving already!

Kotone where are you?? you're missing out on a great story with all the tropes you could ask for (≧∀≦)

sui bian created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

oh. when did Dojun start wearing pajama pants? i was so used to him lounging at home pant-less lmao

sui bian created a topic of Hold Over You

i had high hopes for this at the start but now... where's the plot ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

it's not often we see Wu pissed off but all hell is gonna break loose if you even think things will go smoothly you nasty fox!