wow this is one of the best stories i've come across and binged. i hope there will be side stories!
i feel kinda bad for the ex girlfriend. she's gonna hurt herself later if she keeps latching on to Byul despite her being the one who dumped him tho to be fair she had every right to since Byul is too nonchalant. but truth be told as well, she annoys me when she keeps making an appearance especially since she did dump him and it's not like they got back together but the mere fact that Byul was visiting her class (for Siwoo) and yet she took that as a sign that they somehow got back together is dumb on her part
awww lil' Mo and his He Tian box! btw did we ever find out why He Tian even left in the first place?
sooooooooo proud of them both!! Garam took his sweet time confessing and rightfully so after what he went through with the ex and frankly Jaehyuk back when he was a douchebag but look at that, he did it! and Jaehyuk was hilarious all throughout their date worrying but wow he really came a long way too.
but euck why'd that sorry excuse of a life at the end have to show up?! please let this ex comeback part be over with quickly. don't have time for toxic exes!
binged this from start to current chapter and it's been a while since i came across a story where i had tons of laugh with every chapter and i love it!
kinda sad now that the season ended like that and there hasn't been any new updates but i hope the second season will come up soon!
hm. gotta give props to this manhwa for being the very first one that got me not too excited about the smut parts coz the plot is interesting. unconsciously it's probably convincing me that they're already "married" anyway so we just need the rest of the plot and then they can boink each other to their heart's content
she made a fair point. there's no denying nor justifying Jaehyuk's past actions. i wouldn't say she's being homophobic but rather shocked and in utter disbelief coz think about it, it's not like she's hanging out with Jaehyuk every day but they have known each other for so long and her main image of him is that of a womanizer homophobe, she wasn't exactly around when Jaehyuk actually started to turn himself around. which is why i also hope Shinjoo will come to realize that Jaehyuk did change and that it was all coz of Garam. it's bad timing how she has to show up when Garam initiated this date but i guess better now than later
no no no no that's totally a cliffhanger! i didn't see "end" it's a cliffhanger! tell me there's more of them!
kid's gonna grow up with the best parents ever, i'm so happy for them
hold on. is He Tian wearing his shoes inside? (me feeling suddenly feeling shy for them at the thought of the door being wide open so i found myself looking elsewhere )
guys! we're getting Josh and Chase's story. they're the parents of the two kids who seem to be fighting over Spencer's attention. Chase is Grayson Miller's brother whom we haven't seen yet. Josh is the omega bodyguard Yeonwoo befriended as well as Emma's brother, and Grayson is the jerk friend of Keith's. and i saw elsewhere that Grayson's gonna end up with Dane...? hope we'll get that story as well
so the title "Editor K" was just passed on after the previous one died, is that it?? coz these rich corrupt mfs are threatened by them so they had the people behind Editor K killed off? i mean all this time i thought Jiwon's late lover was Editor K and Jiwon only took up the title after his lover was killed to get revenge. but now this latest chapter is saying that the cutie "bodyguard" was also Editor K???
i don't know why but the tongues are what's mostly bothering me art-wise
stuff i gathered from several comments some months ago... not even sure if all of these are true but they kept nagging in my head so i figured just write them down...
-silence, the novel, is their original timeline. they both had tragic endings.
-the normal, non-omegaverse world is Huimin's creation because he wanted to live peacefully with Iheon. in this world Iheon recalls their original timeline but he doesn't reveal anything to Huimin. also in this world, time would freeze for Iheon whenever Huimin wasn't around since the world is Huimin's creation. Iheon was basically lonely except from when Huimin is around since his presence will get time moving for Iheon again.
-the current timeline is them in their original omegaverse world but Huimin thinks he transmigrated into the novel. Iheon recalls their original timeline late in the game but he plans on keeping Huimin in the dark for fear of him getting abandoned.
-Huimin later does recall his own memories thanks to an item in his possession and he becomes furious with Iheon.
-they separate for a while and i forgot the rest that happened from here but it has a happy ending since Huimin retuned
i'm neutral with this broxbro cpl, meaning i don't give two shits whether they end up together or not (but let's face it, the author is clearly headed down the former path). however all that "babe, babe, babe" got me thinking and missing Jingyao and Yiyi being the cpl of focus so this comment is to divert attention from the brothers coz i just wanna ask if Jingyao or Yiyi ever addressed the other as "babe" somewhere in previous chapters? coz i feel like they did, or one of them did but right now i'm too lazy to check
i'm gonna miss this soooooo much! i love how towards the end i still find myself laughing at their antics that it felt like it wasn't gonna end yet. i do hope the older brother and the thug get their own story so that we'll still see more of them at least. they truly are are a match made in heaven!
oh are we finally over the amnesia arc?
also, that's a foul! mentioning carrot at the end of a chapter is a foul! give us the whole damn carrot quickly!