first of all... the poor bird haha, all that diving but it can't manage to swipe a fry or even land anything on Fengfeng
secondly... those managers seriously need to back off or get fired. they're being blatantly unprofessional that even saying "i'm only doing it for your own good" is unconvincing at this point. to be frank i disliked them the moment i learned that their feud was what started the whole "rivalry" between Tianhe and Chianmao when it shouldn't have even existed, the fan wars the feud created for one thing, they are so freakin exhausting that it's annoying how ppl have time to talk shit about certain ppl and say they're doing it for the sake of protecting their faves but not realizing that it's damaging their faves' image at the same time (projecting from irl observations)
lastly... i've seen complaints and yeah this manhua's been dragged on for too long now.... but i don't care. i'd rather see glimpses of the characters i've grown fond of every once in a while in new updates instead of see an ultimate end. i'm already dreading for certain stories to end even though most of them are currently ongoing. this manhua's one of the few exceptions that i don't mind not focusing on a main plot- so long as it doesn't have a sudden end anyways