i was trying to decide if Matoba is to be trusted or not but when he showed off the kids' "business cards" to Hazuki i think he'll fit right in with the gang just fine
i still constantly think about the body's original Doyoon. i wish we can have some closure that he's at peace or in a different body too living happily at least. he's gone through so much abuse to just end up disappearing ╥﹏╥
lmao that panel with Jaehyuk's mom screaming at him sorta reminded me of Ron's howler scene in that harry potter movie. and can't that ex take a freaking hint?! Garam's actually putting boundary between them so he really should stop trying to cross that
at first i felt bad that Leo wasn't able to see through his proposal plans as I was looking forward to what he was gonna do but i totally forgot it's freakin Leo Lombardi we're talking about here. i'm actually glad they didn't made it back to NYC that night
oooh boy. Iheon it's never good to conceal stuff. when it gets revealed it gets ugly. it's very cliche but it's the reality of the fact. it leaves the other person feeling betrayed... on the other hand, i am glad to see Huimin being clueless right now coz he's happy at least but he does need closure about his memories as well. it'll be a wild ride for both of them..
it's funny how before this update, i recently came across an irl story about a former mob member who managed to escape prison then went on to use a different name and opened a store. he basically eluded arrest for 20 years (he got caught eventually). so it's a little worrying how some people know Asami by his full name in that town like wouldn't that lead certain people to them sooner or later? his name stands out way too much
was gonna let this sit and build up a few episodes so i'll just binge but argh i couldn't! the comments were so interesting and now i've joined the club of torturous waiting (for the next episode!). i'm letting this be my reason to live through each day until the next update
i can't take the prince and holy maiden pairing seriously (coz apparently they're endgame) but it's just so random right now. in the meantime can't wait to see more Aresh and Kondou. i like how the other is a workaholic and the other just want him not to work too much, but dang that cliffhanger
his dad? seems like trouble headed their way. and loved how the shaman said Haebom was destined to have a baby but not a wife haha, very right to the point i must say
a speedy recovery to the illustrator! i hope they'll be able to pull through their health issues safely!
and.... spoiler ahead!
the villain has appeared i guess... despicable how she blatantly admitted that she used whatever connection she had with the director to get the role just coz she's a fan of Chase and even worse, did not hold back at all in revealing she's an omega. i mean Chase wasn't the only one gagging during their whole interaction. ppl like her sickens me to the core like have some dignity woman!
haha leave it to Josh to get under Chase's skin. when he poured the beans on the plate i wasn't sure if i wanted to laugh or pity Chase especially knowing just how much he hates beans
contemplating on marinating this (and the raws) for a bit coz i just remembered that updates are every 10 days unless there's a new schedule for this season. but i just saw the raw of the new episode and as much as i miss them i do not miss feeling the pain of an episode ending in a cliffhanger do we know of a schedule change this season tho???
i am ready for season 2!!!.... but not ready to see Derek again and undoubtedly getting frustrated with his schemes (argh i was suddenly reminded that his character exists coz of something so don't come at me!)
"that isn't chili, it's jam" but Jianyi it's clearly chili and you would've gotten away with it if Xixi didn't break it in half huh
first of all... the poor bird haha, all that diving but it can't manage to swipe a fry or even land anything on Fengfeng
secondly... those managers seriously need to back off or get fired. they're being blatantly unprofessional that even saying "i'm only doing it for your own good" is unconvincing at this point. to be frank i disliked them the moment i learned that their feud was what started the whole "rivalry" between Tianhe and Chianmao when it shouldn't have even existed, the fan wars the feud created for one thing, they are so freakin exhausting that it's annoying how ppl have time to talk shit about certain ppl and say they're doing it for the sake of protecting their faves but not realizing that it's damaging their faves' image at the same time (projecting from irl observations)
lastly... i've seen complaints and yeah this manhua's been dragged on for too long now.... but i don't care. i'd rather see glimpses of the characters i've grown fond of every once in a while in new updates instead of see an ultimate end. i'm already dreading for certain stories to end even though most of them are currently ongoing. this manhua's one of the few exceptions that i don't mind not focusing on a main plot- so long as it doesn't have a sudden end anyways