i think they did that "movie scene" in the airport 3-4 times in the novel. they're both so dramatic whenever one of them goes somewhere lmao. it's these scenes were you can see that the affection isnt just one sided from yooha.
the grandpa's in law jokes never gets old. in the future when they go abroad i love that both of them went to each other's school just to meet up and have a little date (hyun even got punshied for breaking dorm rules lmao).
i think one thing i would have liked to read more was the part were hyun was sometimes thinking of yooha. he had countless songs he wrote for her so you know that he sometimes thought of her. this was only mentioned once when hyun played one of his songs for her. One thing i can never forget is he wrote a song for her that only yooha was allowed to hear.
When hyun played a romance song for a movie anna knew that that song was for yooha. also only towards the end of the novel does anna understand that what she felt for hyun wasnt love it was probably admiration or something.
also i hope the manhwa has side stories. like hyun and yooha's wedding of the century. the novel didnt have one
2024-08-15 13:50 marked
As someone who's adamant on "fiction affects reality" and all of that, I've gotta play devils advocate for one. Personally I could never read a romance story endorsing incest, SA, cheating, etc etc. If I am emotionally invested in characters it ruins the story for me and if the action is glorified it's disgusting. HOWEVER in pornographic content t......
2024-08-07 11:06 marked
i freaking love yooha. she's such a joy. there's always something funny or ...