Please don’t call ppl uke and seme or stuff like that this is a ROMANCE and even then ur sexualizing it :( like please I’m a submissive guy and once I was called uke since I’m gay by ppl like u guys it made me feel pathetic and dirty
These characters have names. Gay men have names. We aren’t just sex fiends for ur amusement please stop

Well this sucks just more r*pe fetishizing :/

You for some reason replied three times giving me no reason as to why it was okay to put that scene other than “if you don’t like it why are you here” like twice so here’s my response:
I was HERE cos I thought this was gonna be a funny and erotic office romance manhua. It would make more sense if rape scenes occurred in psychological manhua where relationships between the couples are supposed to be fucked up.(killing stalking, painter of the night...) This isn’t that type of manhua.
And yes, I am blaming the author for not realizing how wrong it was to put that scene there, especially when so many people think that the ‘top’ in a relationship can’t be raped. Yes they can, he NEVER gave consent, he was UNCONSCIOUS.
I’m not sure what you mean when you said “ Uke puts seme's dick in himself: first world problems of no consent and rape” I need you to clarify what that meant.

Sry it's not making sense but like I'm trying to talk to you right now and I'm not replying to what you said above this but it was wrong to read this manga, honestly I knew this manga since it came out but didn't bother to read it cause I was getting bad vibes
I don't talk much in real life cause I'm afraid to be on people's bad side cause once I do i can't even support my opinion properly and it goes everywhere so ye.....

I’m kind of understanding what you’re getting at, you probably have issues with getting your point across or somewhat. It happens to many people, like me in real life, me personally, it’s easier to do it in text since I can edit and reread what I’ve written.
But from what you explicitly said “oh if you don’t like it here then why are you here” hold a huge problem with me. I don’t know if you were implying smthn else in there but from what I got, is that it’s completely acceptable for people to see this type of scene. it’s rape, he was unconscious bc he was drunk, does not give Suha the right to use his dick for his own personal needs when he could’ve taken care of it himself. It’s normalizing the fact that this IS something that happens in life, and it completely traumatizing to people. Image reading this manhua, that you thought was just gonna be funny and just two guys being fuck buddies, but out of nowhere, you see this scene and are triggered from your past trauma. The author is completely to blame, is what we’re saying, not the character obviously(they’re fake), it’s the authors fault for putting the scene in and thinking it was totally normal and not horrible at all for this to happen to people.

rape shouldn't have happened in the first place between the main couple seeing as this is not that type of manhwa. Nobody would be complaining if this was a psychological type manhwa. Its the fact that many people are defending his actions or thinking its a fucking joke and normalzing it thats a problem

I am well aware that I am not the author of the story. I am well aware that I am not the one deciding what happens in the story. However, I have every right to criticize and express my opinion of the story because I am the consumer. Again, I am complaining about the fact that Suha literally raped the director. That is not okay. It will never be okay. Why is it so hard to understand that rape is not okay, and that this should never happen in a healthy consenting relationship.
No why does everyone on here fetishize r*pe literally fucking die
You don't have to tell people to die. Jesus fuck. Keep your emotions in check.
You dont know they are fetishizing it yet. It could be the turning point of the story where we see him struggling with the aftermath of this incident. Having a rape scene in a story doesn't mean its being fetishized. No if they turn it into Something that is supposed to be seen as “hot” or “sexy” then ya that would be fetishizing it. It would be super f**ked up and i would drop it in a heart beat. But before telling people to “die” try to wait to see where the story goes.
No I won’t fucking wait because drawing r*pe scenes is just gross and in stories like this it’s not crucial to the story AT ALL and even if it was that doesn’t mean drawing it completely, have something foreshadow it and then that’s IT
And knowing this story is centered around these two that means this will be “oh I forgive u for r*ping me I love u lets get together” story since there’s no one else for him to go to and that’s that, nothing more because there is nothing more other than fetishizing and it’s obvious
Srry but ppl who fetishize r*pe and draw this shit for fun DO deserve to die and I won’t take that back <3
Seriously? Rape fantasies are a normal thing, and while you're allowed to dislike it in manhwa, there's no need to wish someone death over something like this. You need to keep your emotions in check and watch what you say. Wishing death on someone for enjoying something in fiction is not okay.
Y’all,,,, just say ur a r*pe apologist and leave
Also tbh due to that first thing u said probably a future r*pist too
R*pe fantasies r NOT normal they r disgusting and make someone a monster
But idk maybe the fact I’m a r*pe victim makes me have actual valid opinions on this
Fuck u
And I will continue on wishing death on r*pe fetishizers, r*pists, and r*pe apologists
Gn :)
Ya thats true. Just cause its not for me doesn't mean its wrong to have those fantasies. Its a work of fiction after all. I think most people can distinguish between the pleasure of a fantasy vs the horror of an actual rape. I dont think that having a fantasy means they view real rape and rape victims as lesser. Its Just not something im into. So if thats what this turns into then im probably going to drop this one. But if its good for others thats fine. Its FICTION! They dont need to die. Good grief....
Ok r*pe apologist </3 literally everyone that does this shit deserves to perish so I guess that includes u, huh?
I'm not going against you or anything, really I'm not. But if you're really so upset about the scenes maybe, just drop the manga? If you are someone who is a victim of something like that wouldn't you be traumatized to the point where you couldn't even read it? I'm sorry if this is coming off as rude, but...this scene really probably does have something to do with the plot. Probably something developing into a redemption arc or something where this fictional character realizes how badly they screwed up a relationship that could have been good. So maybe don't wish death upon people that aren't super upset about the scene, after all it is just a manga and most things that people are okay with while reading aren't okay with it in real life.
I'm not going against you or anything, really I'm not. But if you're really so upset about the scenes maybe, just drop the manga? If you are someone who is a victim of something like that wouldn't you be traumatized to the point where you couldn't even read it? I'm sorry if this is coming off as rude, but...this scene really probably does have something to do with the plot. Probably something developing into a redemption arc or something where this fictional character realizes how badly they screwed up a relationship that could have been good. So maybe don't wish death upon people that aren't super upset about the scene, after all it is just a manga and most things that people are okay with while reading aren't okay with it in real life. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Im really sorry to hear you went through that. I have experienced sexual harassment but never rape. So you’re right im not able to put myself directly in your headspace.
Im am sorry if reading this episode triggered you. There was a warning, but that doesnt mean that you were ready to see that scene. I hope you are okay. I dont believe I ever said what he did was right, or in any way acceptable. So im a little confused as to why you are calling me names but, i can understand why this has hit a button for you.
I hope people on here can respectfully talk about the subject this episode brought up.
I wont debate anymore. You have every right to feel the way you do, as do the other commenters here.
I hope whoever did that to you was caught and got what they deserved. But most of all, I sincerely hope, in time, you are able to heal from your trauma.
There’s NO SUCH THING as a redemption arcs for r*pists!!! There’s NO forgiveness here they don’t deserve to be forgiven they deserve jail time and honestly they deserve death
And if u can read shit about r*pe and look at drawings of r*pe, that immediately means u r ok with it irl whether u say so or not because u overlook how fucking harmful this is and how disgusting it is
I’ll repeat it again
There’s NO SUCH THING as a redemption arc for r*pists.
Excuse you. I am a victim of rape myself. People with fantasies don't think of just doing the act, they put themselves in the position OF the victim to cope. THEY WILL NEVER EXCUSE REAL RAPE, NOR WILL THEY NORMALIZE IT. a simple Google search will tell you that fantasies are normal and a perfectly healthy thing. I'm going to assume you are young, and you shouldn't even be here, so you don't understand. Please educate yourself.
Yes, thank you.
Also, the fact that you can't separate FICTION from REALITY is very disturbing.
Fiction affects reality :) and that’s also a fact
do u know how many murders have happened due to fiction? Probably not huh
Also stories like this will cause some ppl to go “oh if I r*pe the person I like theyll like me back” and that’s harmful as fuck
Srry but that is not a healthy way to cope?? Idc who says it is but literally reliving ur trauma isn’t coping????? That doesn’t mean to draw REAL r*pe scenes
Also r*pe FANTASIES usually mean the person fantasizing would be the r*pist because that is something they WANT and if someone fantasizes about being r*ped and wanting that it’s still gross
I cant say this is my personal experience but i think fantasies can help people (victims) to work through a past trauma in a “safe place”. Being able to break down the fantasy in their head gives them back control over what happened in their past. It might not be for everyone but shaming them for it isn't right IMO. Everyone copes in deferent ways. If you both have a similar experience shouldn't you be able to empathize with each others struggles and help to boost one another up? Thats just my personal perspective though.
also, no fucking idiot will turn to rape because of this. They were already going to rape in the first place. fiction CAN affect reality, but not in that way. STOP BEING IGNORANT.
You are completely right, but I believe this person is too young and has been on the internet too much to change their opinion. If they continue to disagree rather than do actual research, we should just let them be the bigot they are.
uneducated bigot* might I add
I'm not overlooking it, I do think that it is absolutely disgusting in real life, but...I mean didn't you read it to? I was just saying there is no reason to waste your time getting so upset over it. It is just a fictional story between fictional character and I think you are being extremely immature to the point where you cannot handle that fact. Leave people to their opinions instead of making them feel like them, themselves are human trash. also even if someone can read stuff about rape that definitely does not mean that they are okay with it? No one is attacking you, and if you are truly still so upset about these things then you should just leave the story behind and leave people alone.