Blue eyes created a topic of 19 Days

I love that you stabbed him my dude but really trash couldnt you of used different words

Like I love the sex but I would like more storyline though when are we getting an update

Blue eyes created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

Wtf happened like im confused im lost i dont know anything anymore like wtf is going on peeps who were dead are alive like wtf

Blue eyes created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Can we take a moment to talk about their children like damn i wish we could have stories about them

Plz anybody update this story its great we love it

Blue eyes created a topic of For Snow White

We ever getting an update again?

Blue eyes created a topic of Blue Revenge ‹

Are we ever gonna get an update?

Blue eyes created a topic of The White Wolf's Bride

Like she is a weak FL but the shit she went through is honestly something else like her uncle abused her for years then her husband abused and raped her for years
i think they were married for years cant remember so they like completely broke her spirit but shes starting to come out of her small shell

Hahaha that bitch finally got what she deserved though if you ask me somebody should of beat the living shit outta her

I love this story thanks for updating

Blue eyes created a topic of Blue Project

Anybody know what the name is of the first story that showed at the top

He is such a psycho gives me the creeps

Blue eyes created a topic of Eternal Covenant

The shit is gonna hit the fan

Blue eyes created a topic of Dragon Raising Manual

This motherfucker like can he just die already

Not gonna lie but im gonna drop this i thought it was gonna be this great story but instead its just this witch who is a push over with everything not really intresting anymore

Absolutely loving it some chaps im like no it should ended but then you get the chaps that are really good thing with fairy tail is there is always gonna be chaps that you dont like and then when u read again its like wtf just happened

Blue eyes created a topic of Midnight Dweller

This is so cute loving the child