I'm more interested in seeing what happens with her goals to change her misogynistic society and her progressing relationship with her family members.
At this point she still genuinely thinks they would kill her any moment they are upset with her. And they are still completely oblivious to their feelings for her. I really want to see some development between them. Like, will they ever realize that they actually love and care for her? Will they ever find out that she is still genuinely afraid of them? How will they react to this? Will this realization help them see how messed up their world is that a member of their own family fears death by their hands? Will she ever realize that despite how backwards their thinking and actions are they actually do care for her?
I'm dying to find out! And will be severely disappointed if the manga ends without exploring or answering these questions.
The whole romance reincarnation plot isn't that interesting at all in comparison. It's like "been there, read that".

I love that DG has figured out how to get Alex to agree with what he wants. The movie theater scene where he made Alex feel guilty so he could lay his head on his shoulder was hilarious and SO satisfying. You go DG, you deserve to lay your head on his shoulder after the crap he put you through.
The whole date idea only happened because Alex felt guilty for basically forcing DG, and he used it to get Alex to agree to a date with him. He's definitely learning how to work the hardheaded Alex and is using it to his benefit. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Now Alex isn't the only one who can play that game. (≧∀≦)

I really want Setagawa and Kousuke to live happily together with Kousuke's family. Fuck Setagawa's mom. She can go to hell. I don't want this to be one of those stories where everyone makes up with each other just for the sake of a "perfect" ending. The mom can go die for all I care. She doesn't deserve forgiveness. Some people just don't. It's way more realistic for him to cut her out of his life because of all the shit she's pulled.

Maybe it's just me being too sensitive or something, but something that really kept me from seriously enjoying this manga was how 2 of the guys treated the girl's insecurities. The first story the girl has clearly been convinced by everyone in her social group that she can't be considered "cute" or "girly" or whatever and the first time she builds up the courage to give it a shot for her boyfriend no only does he not defend her from her friends shitty comments but he gets all pissy? because she "wants to be their prince"?? or some shit. Like NO, she just feels crappy and insecure and all you had to do was say "I think you're cute". Boom. Done.
The second story the girl, again, has grown up being compared to and told that her IDENTICAL TWIN sister is cuter and more appealing just because she dresses traditionally feminine. And the guy is a little better than the first one, but he still takes out his (unjustified) frustration on her about her insecurities. Like give her a break. That kind of shit isn't fixed over night. It took years to be ingrained, it'll take awhile, chill.
I understand that it's just so it's easier for the author to write it this way so she can make the point of "Be confident in yourself." But it honestly made me not want the couples to be together...

Is no one gonna talk about how the grandmother kinda kidnapped the kid in chapter 4?
She lied to and upset not just the father but the kid too. The kid started to think his dad was angry and wasn't coming to get him because of something he did. And why? Just because she didn't think he was doing his best IN HER OPINION. That's messed up. How about talking to the kid for once and seeing if he wanted to go home (he obviously did).
The whole thing was just glossed over as "hysterical overprotective grandma, lol".
I wonder if Athy will tell anyone that she's lived 3 lives now, and that technically, she was neglected and then wrongfully killed by her father in her first life as Athy. Lucas knows the gist of it cuz of his magic, but I'm curious if it will ever come up with her father. After their big heart to heart of Claude apologizing for his actions when he didn't remember her it made me wonder if this will lead to her being completely transparent about all she's had to go through to finally (hopefully) have a happy ending in her third life.
I feel like not enough reincarnation stories explore the aspect of confronting the past lives vs the current versions of characters who wronged the main character, or if they do it's for revenge purposes not healing purposes. Athy got to see how her father became like he is and now has a better understanding of him. Claude was confronted by Diana in the after life and found some peace in that regard. But I really want to see their relationship as father and daughter grow even more and part of that I think could really only happen if she confronts how her first life played out now that she accepts and acknowledges the fact that she is and always has been Athanasia since the beginning.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ What do you guys think??