Why?? I need this continued plz
Talk about cliffhangers
If she ends up with a romantic relationship with this douche, imma write a very strong worded letter.
Spoiler...........He basically ignores her for 8 years after not even arriving at the wedding then when she asks for divorce, he friggen talks of getting her pregnant... No thank u women aren't your possession or your baby makers
This is definitely a must read. She's smart and determined. And the world building is nice
Do you even know what a vagina is...the hole isn't in the front... Like... That's not how female anatomy works...
I hate that he thinks she's naive. I now need a story for the coworker girl
Where's the teeth?
How tf does a duke have that much time on his hands?
Such good story. Much beautiful art.
Why?? I need this continued plz