ShonaNingyo February 18, 2021 11:30 pm


ShonaNingyo February 18, 2021 11:21 pm

Average, aimless smut. Not really a compelling story. Like a less charismatic Okane ga Nai! with buff dudes.

ShonaNingyo February 18, 2021 11:05 pm

He is the kind of person you see in real life that believe their own hype and have an inflated sense of self-worth to the point that they trash everyone around them. Sometimes that sense of entitlement gets them in trouble, or job offers/opportunities don't land in their laps like they expected. Minho thought he was the greatest writer ever and yet Duna became the gold star in the department. He burned his bridge with her over envy and pride. He is so unlikable because he believes he's just so much better than everyone else, but people like that often get their comeuppance since the universe seems to love to throw curveballs at egotistical people.

On the one hand, Minho deserves a lot of the shit he's dealing with because of his bad attitude; even when he gets beaten down, there's still a wall there that prevents him from truly humbling himself and realize why everything is going belly up. He knows that the senior staff look down on him, but he doesn't realize that he also needs to earn the respect of his peers or he won't get far in life. I do empathize with his fear of being labelled irrelevant or incompetent and being rejected, and feeling envious over someone else's success, though, and the fear of being mocked by peers as a failure, of being run-of-the-mill or "average". The author of this story really maintains that fine balance between sympathy and scorn one should have toward a guy like him. Yeah he's suffered a lot of humiliation and egg on his face, but he was an asshole for no reason. He is a man that cannot see why he is in the wrong through just talking about it, and oddly enough being assaulted and humiliated the way he has inspired a tiny bit of self-reflection, which goes to show that, as unpopular as it is, sometimes a bit of trauma does make you realize what a piece of shit you are. Sometimes, for certain people. It's had mixed results for Minho so far...

ShonaNingyo January 25, 2021 5:29 pm

What hurts me the most about this manga is Azusa's relationship with his mother. I don't know what led her to dropping out of school and becoming a prostitute, but she has always tried her best to provide for him, even putting up with abuse from her johns. She wants Azusa to have a better life than she does, and he understands that, but.. seeing your mom being abused and not being in a position to do anything about it warps you. It's not his mom's fault, but it's still damaging to a kid. He's sabotaging his own future because of his disregard for school, but school is also a shitty place to be because it's just a simulation of Those in Power Picking on the Less Fortunate.

I only hope Azusa gets out of school and manages to get into college so he can get a job that allows his mom to never need to sell herself again. There's nothing wrong with sex work, mind you, but this isn't safe or healthy sex work, and it's obvious she isn't in a position to be choosy with her clientele. It's just sad all around!! (/TДT)/

ShonaNingyo January 17, 2021 3:11 am

This comic flashes back too much back and forth between past and present. The narrative has serious ADHD. Pick a time period and stick with it for a whole chapter.

    peewee January 19, 2021 1:35 pm

    I agreee, it's so confusung and hard to follow

ShonaNingyo December 9, 2020 6:34 pm

Art is average and the stories aren't even that hot. Just run-of-the-mill abusive semes.

ShonaNingyo December 9, 2020 6:02 pm

It feels like Matsuri Hino suddenly wants to expand the universe of this series and make it all alternative history, but we know next to nothing about the current factions and the political landscape on the human side of things. She probably thinks setting it 1000 years from now means she can create stuff as she likes, but then she threw out "Year 1120" as if we would have any idea what that meant. It implies that the original Vampire Knight did not exist in our timeline, which is a FIRST FOR ME GIVEN THAT I READ THE WHOLE STORY THINKING IT WAS SET IN MODERN-DAY JAPAN, but if that's the case then what exactly differentiates it from our universe other than the existence of vampires? WHERE does the story take place, then? And if it is in fact in our universe, 1) Why has literally nothing changed technology-wise in 1000 years, and 2) What event led to the calendar being reset so we're in the 1000s, not the 3000s?

She doesn't have all the pieces in place and yet she's moving forward with this second-generation story. She's world-building basic things like geopolitics when that should be the first thing you do. It would be like if Kishimoto wrote Naruto but didn't introduce the different countries until Boruto. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    Cloudy January 15, 2021 7:10 am

    totally agree with you, I think the memories series kinda exploded really. I think hino just wanted to give us some cute stories to lessen the pain of the actual end, but since vampire knight was and is still kinda popular... she had to continue? Like the first chapters where random moments of their life’s and such and suddenly... we’re getting a full new story itself OO

    The story certainly takes place in some kind of Japan... Kaname made that joke about “Ren” and “Ai” being “Renai”, like obviously their names are Japanese and such but like for the characters to show awareness of their language, it think it’s sigh enough?? Sorry it’s so hard to explain ooph

    The only technological change we’ve seen is that motorbike. Thinking about all the research Aido has done, the tech.progress should be much more advanced, also they know about “space” (the vampire lady who held that soiree said something about “escaping into space”)

    Your comment really showed me some different ways to think about the world of vk tho... thanks for sharing your thoughts!

ShonaNingyo November 26, 2020 4:35 am

This may be SM but I am EXTREMELY uncomfortable with Tengoku just butting in and forcing Aoki into an SM relationship. I can't get behind these sorts of fantasies, especially when the Sub clearly has unresolved trauma. To me it's the equivalent of a man forcing himself on a rape victim so she can "get over" the trauma of being raped. It doesn't sit right with me AT ALL. Tengoku may "know" what Aoki secretly wants, but that doesn't give you any excuse to just go ahead and do it to them if they don't ask for it. These sorts of manga only serve to further paint BDSM as emotionally manipulative and borderline criminal.

ShonaNingyo November 26, 2020 4:20 am

Okay I understand the timeline EXCEPT for Anubis's birth. So Anubis was born of Osiris and Nepthys's deal cuz Osiris secretly stole Seth's fertility and that reveal was made when Seth confronted Osiris. But when Osiris has Seth tied up and is explaining things, there is a panel that looks a lot like Anubis injured in the ..present? The whole Osiris v. Seth in chapters 41-44 is supposed to be a flashback for Seth, right?

The way the "flashback" is framed makes it seem like the Osiris v. Seth fight + rape happened in the past and the present at the same time because of that one panel of Anubis lying on a bed in the way Seth left him after accidentally attacking him. This is the only puzzle piece that doesn't make sense to me. Osiris's plan back then, from what I understand, was that he would take Anubis and break him down until his spirit remained and then implant that in Seth to make a pseudo-pregnancy because Osiris is crazy like that.

Am I misunderstanding that panel? Is that panel of Anubis in the flashback just of him innocently sleeping in bed, not of him injured like in the present? Any insights would be SUPER helpful cuz I'm hella confused about this one bit. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Piña Colada November 26, 2020 7:32 am

    Haha now that you say it... I'm nto sure myself. I thought it was Anubis after Osiris sucked his soul out of his corpse of something. Cause at one point Osiris says that he got rid of Anubis' body cause it wouldn't help with with the mpreg. But this is just how I saw it at first:,)

    Jayjay November 26, 2020 1:01 pm
    Haha now that you say it... I'm nto sure myself. I thought it was Anubis after Osiris sucked his soul out of his corpse of something. Cause at one point Osiris says that he got rid of Anubis' body cause it woul... Piña Colada

    You are riight, though. That *was* Anubis after Osiris sucked his soul out.

    Jayjay November 26, 2020 5:00 pm

    Anubis is unable to grow up, so even though he looks kinda the same in both moments, the one in the middle of the rape was when Osiris sucked out his soul, in the past before the beginning of the story

    ShonaNingyo November 27, 2020 1:24 am
    Anubis is unable to grow up, so even though he looks kinda the same in both moments, the one in the middle of the rape was when Osiris sucked out his soul, in the past before the beginning of the story Jayjay

    But I thought that Seth hurt Anubis in the present (during this contest with Horus). Seth in the present comes off as a man seemingly willing to sacrifice his son out of shame and grief over what he experienced at the hands of Osiris. This story is so confusing lol. I thought that this flashback between Seth and Osiris was a "what really happened with the Seth killing Osiris" myth that was summarized at the start of the comic, kickstarted because Sekhmet told Seth that Anubis was not his son ("Sekhmet whispered in Seth's ear, and he grew jealous and killed his brother"). It's like a piece of the timeline has been snipped from the present and implanted in the past. ...

    Unless...Unless Anubis was injured previously in the past, and Seth did birth him per Osiris and as a product of rape Anubis is both loved and hated by Seth (loves him because he's his son, hates the fact that he was reborn through Osiris's violence and is still tied to Osiris's life force). That's the only explanation I have. It doesn't answer the injury that Anubis sustained that mirrors what happened to him in the present (his arm was cut off and his chest sprouted a sapling). Is this answered better in the non-Mature chapters? Hopefully. ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Maou November 27, 2020 3:32 am

    Hmmm...see seth always loved and cared for anubis but he is too traumatized. Is the osiseth rape seth mentions that he doesnt want a son and he will never see anubis as one later we can also see in baby horus chapters where its very clears that seth cares for anubis

    Jayjay November 27, 2020 4:26 am
    But I thought that Seth hurt Anubis in the present (during this contest with Horus). Seth in the present comes off as a man seemingly willing to sacrifice his son out of shame and grief over what he experienced... ShonaNingyo

    Anubis' chest had a hole in two different moments in the story, the hole he has in present is because he killed himself once, and ended up in Duat, where the dead Osiris found him and managed to revive him by planting that seedling of the flower of life inside his chest.

    This all happened long after Seth had already been raped and had killed Osiris, and after he had already started his own reign of terror: Anubis quarreled with Seth because of how cruel Seth was acting to humans, and then decided to kill himself after Seth got angry and walked away on him. In Duat, the dead Anubis was reunited with the dead Osiris, who played innocent and decieved Anubis, making him think he was giving him the flower of life to allow him to return to the world of the living merely out of kindness, when in fact that was just a scheme so the dead Osiris could use the flower as a connection with Anubis in order to be able to "possess" the body of the revived and once again alive, without Anubis' knowledge, all just so Osiris could have a way to come back to the world of the living for brief periods of time, and be able to mess with Seth, whenever he wants.

    As for why Seth is still capable of hurting Anubis in spite of loving him so much, you need to take into account the fact that Seth has been pretty much traumatized and emotionally unstable ever since the night that everything happened, and that he's spent centuries thinking no one knew and that they wouldn't even believe him if he told. Not to mention, he actually did NOT want anyone to know because he didn't want to be seen as a fool or as damaged goods, he thought that if others knew they would think him dirty and polluted, damaged goods. Anyone who was tortured by all those horrible thoughts would end up traumatized into such an emotional mess that, without other people's help and some therapy, they'd end up miserable enough to keep making mistakes that they would later regret. Emotional suffering of that kind can make people make the worst decisions, the kind of decisions they would have never made had they not been abused the way they had.

    Maou November 27, 2020 4:31 am
    Anubis' chest had a hole in two different moments in the story, the hole he has in present is because he killed himself once, and ended up in Duat, where the dead Osiris found him and managed to revive him by p... Jayjay

    Yes...but .but!!! He loved nephthys right he didnt want ti emarass her too so...and let me tell you if seth didnt say he doesnt want a son anymore ..he would love anubis witg everything...just see the baby horus chapters it us enough to melt your heart

    Jayjay November 27, 2020 4:48 am
    Yes...but .but!!! He loved nephthys right he didnt want ti emarass her too so...and let me tell you if seth didnt say he doesnt want a son anymore ..he would love anubis witg everything...just see the baby horu... Maou

    I'm talking about how Seth never told anyone about the rape, not about how he never told anyone about Neftys cheating on him.

    Seth telling people that Osiris had raped him would have been Seth's own decision and wouldn't have had anything to do with Neftys. Same as any rape victim has every right to or not tell people if they want.

    Maou November 27, 2020 5:36 am
    I'm talking about how Seth never told anyone about the rape, not about how he never told anyone about Neftys cheating on him. Seth telling people that Osiris had raped him would have been Seth's own decision an... Jayjay

    Yeaaa...........i am trying hard to defend seth bri understand lol

ShonaNingyo November 26, 2020 2:51 am

Once again, the rape scene is brutal and heartbreaking. None of it is romanticized. Just the way I like it.

    Maou November 27, 2020 3:36 am

    〒_〒 yes

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