This comic shouldn't be here. This thing will ruin your life. I'm not kidding. I read the webcomic "Wish You Were Here". I have read Berserk. I have read Suehiro Maruo's twisted eroguro. I have seen the depravity of Mai-Chan's Daily Life. I can stomach a lot of extreme drawn art. Crossed as a comic series is one of THE MOST soul-sucking things I have ever laid my eyes on and a part of me was stolen after reading *that* webcomic. It's like the spiritual equivalent of a non-smoker sitting in a hot car with a 10-pack-a-day smoker smoking a cigarette with the windows rolled up. It is BAD. Brother turn back. I am telling you. I am TELLING you. It's not worth it.
It's yaoi, of course. The plot is that a demon lord has lost his powers and his court of fellow demons (named after demon lords of Hell, if I remember correctly) proceed to have sex with him. Yes it's SA, but I want to know if there's been any progression of the story since the last time I've read it. Can't find it.
You see it in yaoi manga, mostly, though I've also seen it in shojo (._.) where the male character essentially says "[You look/act such a way that] makes me want to rape you". Sometimes even the ukes say "Rape me" and I have no idea how to feel about that. (⊙…⊙ )
What do you make of this? Do you think there's something lost in translation, that the word "rape" is their shorthand of saying "ravish" or "to be rough" with? Is it supposed to be kinky, like consensual non-consent? Or do the mangakas not really grasp how extreme and serious a crime like rape really is?
I mean, if it's your kink, it's your kink, but seeing such a phrase stated so bluntly is really jarring because here in the West it's just..simply not said. The word "fuck" is usually used to replace "rape" to imply that an act, rather than a crime, is about to occur, ya feel? It's just SO WEiRD.
Enviably gorgeous art.