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Ales yaoi(200) 2019-08-20 0
Continuation of manga #2(200) 2022-07-04 0
Historical drama#3(153) 2024-12-16 0
Manga yaoi(200) 2021-06-23 0

ale von's topics ( All 11 )

ale von August 1, 2023 1:59 am

I dont think I'll ever recover from this!!
What the fush just happened?

ale von May 8, 2021 8:18 pm

It can be quite cute, but I still don't like the black hair dude. He is really toxic and there is just so many things wrong with him. Doesn't matter if he is rich and the red hair doesn't have to worry about money anymore. It just bothers me so much. Consent is really important a d people tend to forget about it.

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How would you describe life in one word? 05-30 02:42

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