Once borrowed my phone to someone to call their parents and forget my Chrome tabs were still on display. Giant life saber in a thinks booty. The speed I took my phone back at. I was so embarrassed. Then turned out the whole school knew i read such things and loved me for it
Once borrowed my phone to someone to call their parents and forget my Chrome tabs were still on display. Giant life saber in a thinks booty. The speed I took my phone back at. I was so embarrassed. Then turned ... JustAnotherAnimeStan
I feel you I thought I was so slick with it until my friend confessed that sometimes when I’m not paying attention they’ll sneakily lean over and read it with me
I feel you I thought I was so slick with it until my friend confessed that sometimes when I’m not paying attention they’ll sneakily lean over and read it with me Anime/Manga lover
wtf that thing is bigger than his arm