I'm thinking that the uke got involved with the bro by 'business' since it was mentioned that the uke would sleep with people a lot... It's a long shot, but the bro could've gotten drunk with the uke and spilled things to him about his worries, like about how he sells drugs, etc. Then the uke could've suspected the drugs were in the bag or caught a glimpse of it and after the business was done, the uke ended up stealing the bag or- attempting to since he got caught anyways ...
Though, I don't know much about the uke so I can't be CLEARLY sure about my hypothesis of course (only saying because it wouldn't make sense on the uke's part unless he ran away from his family, hence the empty room, and that was why the uke chose to sleep with people for money). Maybe the uke was at the scene where the seme's bro died or he found out by the news or something and connected the dots..? There's a lot of ideas, but I'm not confident since it's not only dealing with the bro; the uke said there was much more going on with the murders or overdoses.
MmMMmm, I don't have any other thought at the moment, but either way, we're going to slowly get to the truth so, eh. I guess this thought doesn't matter

I think that's where we left off?? I'm not sure if it's the exact part since novel chapters tend to be quite long.
( ̄へ ̄)

(Warning: This is long as fuck)
I love how the mature versions are there now- However, I'm a bit down that Tommy (the inspector) and Clark didn't get a chance to get together; I loved their relationship. It's understandable why Clark would be willing to be alone now that it was over. All the disasters he has dealt with would make him see that being involved with people that deeply would only bring misfortune. It's sad but relatable.
Also, I do wonder why someone as smart as Clark even attempted to be in a fuck buddy relationship with Alex. I mean, he knows how normal human emotions work on some level and he knew how to manipulate Alex to become close with him to keep him on his radar.
Wouldn't it make sense for him to be aware that fuck buddy relationships with someone as sensitive as Alex would create a problem? Clark knew he was a serial killer and even warned his ex, Oliver, to be wary of him because he knew he had a crush on Alex.
Sure, Clark didn't seem to care about his own life that much but he still cared to some degree. Otherwise, his fierce emotions wouldn't have been displayed in some of the dark panels. It just makes me question how deep his obsession was for it to be so irresistible... Maybe he was catching small feelings for Alex but disregarded them because he felt such things weren't possible since he believes he's normal?
Hmm, it's not much of a big deal to discuss it so seriously, but that was just what was on my mind. I'd like to also add that I didn't like how irresponsible Oliver was when Clark was warning him to be careful around Alex. It's idiotic to discard the fact Alex was a serial killer over personal feelings such as love. I get Oliver was naive and only had good intentions, but some things must have a limit, smh.
Besides that, I think it would've been possible for Oliver and Alex to have gotten into a good relationship if Clark wasn't introduced. Oliver would've been a good influence on Alex if they spent more time together and such. The only problem I'd see is Alex showing Oliver his collection as he did with Clark because that would make him extremely uncomfortable. Oliver is very sensitive when it comes to love (he seems to be the type to be scared easily as well) so I think Oliver would've been a good match for Alex since they're both immersed when it comes to romance.
I'd give their relationship level to be about 73% out of 100%. The only problem would be the fact Alex kills people, but it could've been stopped if Alex and Oliver were in love. Since Clark influenced Alex due to love, then Oliver could've had that influence too if they ever got so close without Clark. Mmm, but Oliver would probably ask Alex to turn himself in if they wanted to REALLY be together and that would've made Alex panic and make him think he was throwing him away. Then again, if Oliver was falling for Alex enough to the point where he kept his identity as a serial killer a secret then maybe it could've gone well-. At least, until Oliver felt guilty enough to do such actions in order to stop Alex's habit of violence.
AH, I don't know why I'm thinking about this so hard Just- forget about it; my overthinking is a bit out of hand.

I can't even- Louis, my boi, take a seat and think to yourself.. Maetel went to Rafael's saying he's come to pick you up. He even kissed you in front of repoRTERS. Louis, no one in their right mind would kiss someone else in front of their crush in front of people who will spread the news of that incident. Have you no common sEnSe..?
Bro, I love the fact they put the Tokyo Drift lyrics in one of the panels of Rei chasing after Serizawa with his car when there was a misunderstanding lmfao