the note at the end of the chapter- the author deserves profit so uploading a week or a few days after the release helps them. don’t use others uploading chapters of other manhwas the day of as an excuse to upload it the day of the release. if the author doesn’t make enough profit, POTN can be dropped from the author. please be thoughtful of the author since we’re here reading it illegally.

you are literally saying the others can do that but not thia uploader. it's like "yeah, they are doing it, but you can't". if you gonna complain about it, don't be so impartial. the uploader said exactly that. yall complaining about this particular thing only in this webtoon. they are not "using it as an excuse".

i never said others can do it and the uploader can’t do it. i have no idea how u interpreted that way. ofc other uploaders shouldn’t do it bt this uploader uses others as a REASON to do it. i wouldn’t have said anything if the uploader made it sound like uploading the day of release is justified by others doing the same thing.