reading for the SECOND TIME AAHHHH i love this so much! from the main couple to the side couple and the plot itself <3 everything turned out amazing
Wish they explored more on the first couple they deserve more chapters
lmao they sure have sex a lot good for them ahgshfbut nooo i don't want lotus to leave please :(
idk whether to laugh or not but he really had to hit his head with a rock bruh vasya needs to CHILL
Whether they keep the baby or not it’s their decision but i hope he at least tells his partner though :(
do you see how cute their morning cuddles were? I WANT WHAT THEY HAVE PLS
"there should be something worth seeing""this is quite the view"I RESPECTFULLY AGREE SIR
DISPATCH YOU BITCH i just want them all to be happy now but you had to butt in you stinky ass
whoah they're getting kinky huh good for them, good for them
bro the amount of EMOTIONS i felt with these updates...
reading for the SECOND TIME AAHHHH i love this so much! from the main couple to the side couple and the plot itself <3 everything turned out amazing