That girl seem hella suspicious, there's just this...vibe around her that makes me feel uneasy. When I read the panel where they brought up that those zombies are controlled by someone I immediately thought it was her (for the record i def think she's a trap too, glad I'm not the only one who thinks so, tho she does have boobs on the last panel).

I've been off this site for over a year and I'm honestly surprised with how toxic Finder's comment section has gotten.

I've only experienced it here, everywhere else they are the nicest fans you can imagine.

Huh, would you look at that? You've already gotten 2 downvotes on your comment, Iwane. Shocking. Why the surprise? Most of the creatures that lurk and spew bile in this comment section have been the source of ridicule in the Finder fandom for many years. Less than 5 % of the peeps here are cool, rational human beings. The rest are vomit inducing.

There are some nice people here to talk with. It's just a matter of scrolling thru till you find a subject of interest and see how folks are responding. If you focus on the reasonable discussions the other more negative aspects start to fall into the background.

Have you come to help? some are trying to move on.

It's just a pitty, that one doesn't have the option to put certain threads or people on ignore, to filter the white noise, if you will. That way, everyone could decide for themselves what they want or didn't want to read. But you are right of course. The only way to respond to trolls is by not responding to trolls and completely ignore certain threads.

Having a few filters would be handy. But until that time we can encourage people with positive responses or constructive, well worded criticism. Asking more thought provoking questions helps too.

Hah! It would be hillarious. Had to look it up because I hadn't heard of it before but it sound like a way to turn any conversation into a Mad Lib game. I'd replace all the negative words with something raunchy and suggestive. :)
Okay so I'm only on chapter 39 rn but, for some reason I feel like I'm signing myself up for pain. I'm...not looking forward to it.
Watch out for the onion cutting ninjas from here on out
Can u like, spoil me just a wee bit?? I hate this foreboding feeling
Well, 54 will make you cry so much more...
It sweet... but sad.... but so much feelings that made my heart crunching and wrenching...
The story actually feels pretty realistic even with all the supernatural.
I agree I binge read this and I can’t stop crying now. I thought this was going to be fluffy. But definitely a good read.