2021-06-11 07:19 marked
As a solid BL lover, I can say that yes, some SLs do get boring for me, but there are good ones too, not just all of them are "fucking boring". As long as the story is good, who the fuck gives a shit what genre it is?!
2021-05-31 02:22 marked

Can you wake the fuck up, get your ass outa bed body slam your stupid brother, that white haired old man, and that sus black haired pedophile (and hopefully kill them). Then have a fun daughter daddy date with your daughter once more for fucks sake. Idk what to do with Jeanette since she done nothing wrong but she ain’t your child soooo...
Edit: I totally forgot the black haired guy and claudes brother were the same person so yeah....
2020-12-23 02:08 marked
2020-12-14 04:48 marked
2020-11-15 23:59 marked
2020-11-12 12:52 marked

spoiler-y rant below
I mean, I already read the novel(not finished it yet) and know that her constellations are about olympus but she's just so sus sigh... I don't like her at all I don't know whyyyyy maybe it's how she thinks all things are good? agh or how dokja kinda super lowkey have feelings for her? or ughh
2020-11-01 04:51 marked
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2020-10-31 07:38 marked
2020-10-30 01:16 marked
2020-10-28 23:56 marked

But when she was asked again, this was her queue to give a different answer or specify. But she had no idea what he may have expecting her to answer. Why would he care some maid designed it? When he asked her again, she should have said something like, "Yes, I designed it with the help of my maids." or something. She could add a humbling comment but not having been caught in a lie. But again there was no reason for him to care about the 'help' being credited properly.
2020-10-28 23:43 marked
2020-10-21 19:49 marked
this ... demonic halsteads