Woahcalmdownlove November 23, 2019 9:54 am

I was reading this really, really (in my opinion) REALLY GOOD MANGA and now I can’t find it!
It was about this high schooler who didn’t know what to do after graduating so she decided to fly to America (Amerigo....hoe it’s spelled on the manga) to become the president. She made friends with 3 other people and old veterans and it was vol.3 plus chapters I’m sure...pls help o rlly rlly like it and be sad if I can’t find it!! It got updated recently but idk where it is!!

Woahcalmdownlove October 5, 2019 10:57 am

Whenever I’m reading a manga or something I’m starting to enjoy I kinda ruin that enjoyment by predicting the outcomes. There are times where this is useful, take for example if there’s a certain genre or idk “trend” (like rap*) in mangas that I don’t like I can start reading the characters and judge them to see wether or not I won’t be disappointed. This leads me to the conclusion that I wish I was dumber I guess, so I wouldn’t have to cry or get pissed at a certain story, but jus blindly read and enjoy it for once like...sighhh, there’s only handful of mangas that I enjoy but like 3-5 mangas I’m in love with.
I have a problem with certain traits in characters so if the fl or ml does something or is something I don’t like then it ruins the story for me since it’s not enjoyable.

If I find a fl who is straight badass and cool and everything amazing that has her own flaws but like is with a shitty ml then I have to instantly drop that manga or else I’ll make myself cry.
The feeling I get is like... you know when you try to do something but it never comes out the way you want no matter how many times you do it? The frustration overwhelms me allot and so I’d have to go eat or something.
You guys know charrolette (I cant spell her name lol) has five deciples? (Again I can’t spell) yea the fl lead is what I like but I’ve yet to see the ml which might be an asshole soooo yea.....
Wish I wouldn’t have the ability to predict the outcome almost perfectly every time and like see through shit....
Bye bye now(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Woahcalmdownlove October 4, 2019 4:21 pm

So I’ve decided I wanna start writing.
Like I wanna write a full novel or wholesome short story by the end of 2020. The problem is tho...I have no idea what to write about ( I know, not a good start ), so I came on here to ask for some recommendations of any novels or books y’all are in love with. Or like any crazy made up story of yous and like fantasies/scenarios you’d wish ppl would write about?
Please don’t misunderstand I don’t intend on copying their story or steal their ideas, I consider myself a beginner level writer (no, if there is a level below that then that is what I am lol) so I would love to see their style of writing and like combine it with mine....(?). I believe that doesn’t make sense! But I’m saying I’d like to see others unique way of writing and how they engage their audience..(?) with their stories...
I guess in a way that’s still copying but like....... don’t bully me
( ̄∇ ̄") I’m just interested and you can say desperate but at the same time not desperate......ha.....ha yea idk either but I’d gladly appreciate ur help.

Oh!also, can yous tell me what kind of genre y’all interested in too?
If not then okay no problem lol.

    hachihachi October 4, 2019 4:30 pm

    As for novels I enjoy, they would be Misery by Stephen King, 1984 by George Orwell, and Flowers for Algernon(?)

    As for genre... it's pretty varied. For manga, I prefer horror, fantasy, and romance. But for novels I favour horror, sci fi, thriller and probs dystopian (mostly classic dystopians though)

    hachihachi October 4, 2019 4:31 pm

    Also, it's great that you're trying to derive inspiration from wonderful outsider perspective. All the best for your novel! Would like to read it if possible x3

    blatantescapist October 4, 2019 4:57 pm

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adam
    Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
    Necronomicon by HP Lovecraft
    The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
    The Trial by Franz Kafka
    Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
    Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

    There was a time in my high school to early college years where I collected older literature. For contemporary, I enjoyed House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, and a couple of Haruka Murakami's works.

    I'm usually fine with any genre but I guess I don't really read romance or teen novels? I prefer novels for children over teens lol like Shel Silverstein, Lemony Snicket, or Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince.

    Ok, I know Gatsby is high school stuff but I've got post-it notes all over my copy because I like its narration.

    Little October 4, 2019 6:19 pm

    Write ideas first. Write about what you would like to see in novels. Write about things that would interest you or make you like 'woah' and think about 'will this make my audience like 'woah' '
    Sorry if that makes no sense, im horrible at explaining things

    Yotsuyu October 4, 2019 6:42 pm

    If you are interested in romance with focus on characters and dialogues, Jane Austen's works are amazing especially pride and prejudice.
    Romance with dark and gothic atmosphere-->Wuthering heights by Emily Bronte
    Fantasy with good world-building--> LOTR
    In the fantasy genre I've heard lots of praises about "The name of the wind".
    I think Crime and punishment by Dostoyevsky is a must-read too(even though I haven't read it yet myself ( ̄∇ ̄") )

    I don't really like YA,it just isn't that good imo but any other genre is fine for me as long as it is written well and has interesting characters. I love it when characters have interesting traits and point of views and the dialogues are witty.
    I think watching films can be helpful too,you can pick a movie you really enjoyed and analyze it. Sorry for my bad English:)

    ROSE October 4, 2019 6:58 pm

    Usually historical novels/books stand out to me, for example, 1001 nights

    Lue October 4, 2019 8:53 pm

    Reading olds novels like Oliver Twist really helps with the way you write, learning to have a unique way of writing creates an originality to the novel. To kill a mockingbird if also great aswell as all of Jane Austen's works. If its more modern/fantasy i like The cruel prince series. Btw god damnn, They both die at the end by Adam Silvera is amazing.. Read it if you havent.

    Woahcalmdownlove October 5, 2019 2:29 am
    Write ideas first. Write about what you would like to see in novels. Write about things that would interest you or make you like 'woah' and think about 'will this make my audience like 'woah' ' Sorry if that ma... Little

    Ahah no I understand. Thanks so much (⌒▽⌒)

    Woahcalmdownlove October 5, 2019 2:31 am
    Write ideas first. Write about what you would like to see in novels. Write about things that would interest you or make you like 'woah' and think about 'will this make my audience like 'woah' ' Sorry if that ma... Little

    Y’all amazing, thank you soo much.. to....all...of yous (ahaha....)
    You guys were such a good help, glad I came on here.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ(⌒▽⌒)

    Woahcalmdownlove October 5, 2019 2:39 am
    Reading olds novels like Oliver Twist really helps with the way you write, learning to have a unique way of writing creates an originality to the novel. To kill a mockingbird if also great aswell as all of Jane... Lue

    Thankyou (⌒▽⌒) I’ll keep it in mind...

    Woahcalmdownlove October 5, 2019 2:42 am
    If you are interested in romance with focus on characters and dialogues, Jane Austen's works are amazing especially pride and prejudice.Romance with dark and gothic atmosphere-->Wuthering heights by Emily Br... Yotsuyu

    Woah! I’ve yet to read crime and punishment too..
    You’re English is great, thanks!

    Woahcalmdownlove October 5, 2019 2:48 am
    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas AdamCatch-22 by Joseph HellerNecronomicon by HP LovecraftThe Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre DumasThe Trial by Franz KafkaBrave New World by Aldous HuxleyNotes... blatantescapist

    Oh moi gawd, you’ve read more books then I have in my entire lifetime......
    That’s actually cool

Woahcalmdownlove October 1, 2019 5:39 pm

Ok so there was this manga/webtoon where the fl was accused of pushing the prince into the river almost killing him or did kill him thus in the result of her being heavily tortured and received a shit ton of nasty comments from the ml/ Emperor. ( this was set in ancient China )
At first she was like hurry up and kill me I fucking hate you, which pissed off the ml and caused him to say the cliche line “no....I won’t kill you, I’ll make it so you’ll wish I’d kill u” (not what he said but it’s similar) and a few days later shit came down, she got hurt because of sum concubine hoe and somehow ended up having sex wif the ml, which pissed me tf off and is the reason why I’m writing this and had to drop the manga.
Honestly I hate it when the protagonist is like her, (inhales..) and this is why, the ml is an arrogant , uncircumcised, piece of shit that fucks around the palace, killed the fl family and tarnished her reputation, personally tortured her and is confused in why for the past 3 or so years why she didn’t want to fuck him. He grew the balls to tell her that he did it in the name of “love” and was subtly warning her not to piss him off....... the fl on the other hand is said...no showed to be a capable, strong woman that can kick ass but can’t. The ml put her through hell and she says all these pathetic lines to convey how much she hates him but the problem is that she doesn’t say it directly or even in a cool way. This is annoying because literally every I say EVERY female lead is like this in EVERY manga I read. They ( every fl lead ever) go nuts and blush every time they see their shitty ml, they even say, think that they are shit yet eventually falls in love wit them or refuses to even use their so called strength to fight back.. also how come they are always weaker the ml? I get that they are women and men but like cmon she should at least land a slap. Female leads who are said to be strong, independent, caring, smart, cool and a badass queen that can kick ass that are actually the opposite or even suddenly turns into a naive, weak (both mentally and physically), annoying bitc* that blushes every 5 secs are not even strong, cause they don’t even use/show it or use it when necessary. This is annoying and I hope this trend stop like pls! I wanna read something like light and shadow or........beauty pop with fl’s like them.
Fuuuuuuck this is why I’m starting to like Yaoi mannnn ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Woahcalmdownlove September 30, 2019 2:08 pm

Guys...... I love this webtoon/manga.
I highly recommend it, it’s called medical return webtoon manga and it’s fucking amazing I love it!
I usually don’t enjoy reading mangas with the protagonist as a male.(I don’t really know why, truth be told I jus hate when they fall for weak, naive and too kind girls who are always in danger and is a constant burden and girls who are straight up rude, obnoxious hoes, that’s my opinion, I’m entitled to have one.)
This manga contains no bullshit, the protagonist is an amazing person with an incredible amount of bad luck in his first life. It’s really wholesome and you’ll find it hard to not like him.the plot and storyline is well thought out and it will have you smiling throughout the story. His (protagonist) backstory is really sad but not devastating and I really pity him, ughhhhh the manga webtoon whatever is just too great to describe with words so just read it please I’m begging you!! Author, whoever you are I fucking love you!! You too translator y’all the best!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Woahcalmdownlove September 30, 2019 2:19 pm

    Lol, going back to why I hate them falling in love I honestly think is that I would like the story if it had been the girls perspective instead of his you know?
    Like i guess I’m just jealous of her lmao, but yeah if it had been the strong, beautiful and charming girl that he fell for were the protagonist then I honestly think I would have no problem.( I too, don’t have a fucking idea why I’m like this ha...ha.) I was like this when I was watching avatar the last air bender and i kinda disliked mei was it? Cause she got Zuko? (Sorry I don’t remember threat names lol) to fall in love wif her. Ik it’s stupid but it’s true......
    oh!! But in bleach I preferred ichigo (?) to be wif rukia instead of inoue, inoue really annoyed me, she was too kind and sorta weak that got Ichigo hurt I guess. She always talked in her head about how she’ll get stronger but to my eyes she didn’t......Loooooooooooool anyways thnx for listening to my rant!!

    LaMarquise September 30, 2019 2:30 pm

    aaand....one more title to add to my evergrowing "want to read" list.
    Thanks for the recommendation yo ^_^

    what is life without a bigD? September 30, 2019 4:05 pm
    Lol, going back to why I hate them falling in love I honestly think is that I would like the story if it had been the girls perspective instead of his you know?Like i guess I’m just jealous of her lmao, but y... Woahcalmdownlove

    mood with yaoi , when the uke is too naive and dependent on the seme

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