wait, wait, wait....soooo, mans really stole something from Rowell and then asked/forced him to buy him to release him from a hell hole and to repay Rowell for his kindness he decides to rape him EYE- Linda listen I'm not the type who rages over rape in BL's but shet this one baffled me a little. Also I feel for the prince, like that shit sad, that shit depressing, that shit devastating. Imagine loving and courting someone for god knows how long to have that person being forced on by someone else and your loved one falls for them and you lose them in that instant, that shit ain't pretty and if the prince is mad over that, I don't blame the mans, can we also appreciate how mans handled it like a KING, mad respect.

The Chief: walks his fine undetailed self in
*scrolls down and actually sees him*
I wouldn't mind the author recycling his character over and over again, I could look at it everyday ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

I loved this but I'm so AnGrY !!! Like how could you do that to Ray, my baby just wanted to be loved too...He does all the dirty work for you mofos and you act like he's unwanted, HOW DRARE YOUUU :'((((((((( I DONT WANT HIM TO DISAPPEAR, LET HIM STAAAAAYYY AND LOVE THEM BOTH GOD DAMN IT !! >:((

And let's not forget that the reason Soohyun broke up with his 4 year long 'boyfriend' and first got interested in Sooha was infact Ray and you dare forget and neglect him and his feelings. I think the fuck not, we don't accept Ray slander in this household, I will literally obliterate them, IDC who they are >:(((

Thats not how it works. A personality, especially one made to protect, depends soley on the mental state of the person, not others. Even if Soohyun went on a rant about how much he wanted Ray to still protect him, if he didn’t feel like he needed to be protected himself anymore ray would again fade away. he would have to be in the mental state he was in before for him to stay

ok so I wasn't gonna butt in but y'all r annoying me. First of all, we want Ray to stay period, whether reality forbids it the author still had the power to make it happen (sadly they didn't). Secondly, the story makes it seem like it was Ray's choice to disappear because he felt that he wasn't needed now and his job was done, but if he was loved by Soohyun, he could still feel needed and stay. I did more research like you told me and found stories of people explaining what it's like having DID, here is an example that could relate to the story:
- Rich is married and says that his wife and Bobbie (female Alter) get on very well, and even sometimes go shopping together. He thinks Bobbie is likely to stick around now, rather than disappear like many of his other alters, because he is now “comfortable and happy." -

that story is not the same as the one in this one. i understand you wanting it to happen, i wasn’t saying anything about that i liked ray. but the author here was obviously aiming to be as realistic as possible with this disorder. for Ray to stay he would have to feel needed in the same way he was created, for protection, not in general.
a better example is this: In the words of Jeni Haynes, when asked about one of her personalities, a 4-year-old girl named Symphony, she explained, “he wasn’t abusing me, he was abusing Symphony.” Splitting into different people allows for an escape from a situation that cannot be escaped from.
The personality was made as an escape. Once there’s no situation to escape from, the personality usually goes out of use or fuses with the original during treatment (if it works, which it usually doesn’t).

Either way if they were going to be completely realistic, Ray wouldn’t disappear at all. He would slowly fuse with Sooha or stay in the background. I think the author just want dramatic effect. I just didn’t like that this person called him selfish since this truly was out of his control and something between Sooha and Ray. have a good night

hmm fair enough, I would argue more beacuse I still don't agree with your other point but I really don't want to think about this story anymore. The reason why I'm petty about it is probably the fact I don't like Sooha anymore, like the more times I think about this story, the more I dislike him ( ̄∇ ̄") anywaysss my take on them saying it was selfish was because Ray did so much for the two mofos and was the reason they got together in the first place and Soohyun becoming horny and attracted to Sooha, so letting him disappear (the author making ray disappear) without really giving anything back to him was SO FUCKING RUUUUDE and hence 'selfish'. It wasn't directed toward Sooha but more so the story or author. So yeah let's end this, have a great night and hope you can find other great BL's in the future (▰˘◡˘▰)/''
It's hard being beautiful isn't it Yu'er ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ Having all these dogs infatuated and obsessed can be such a pain in the ass. Also can the Emperor please FUCK OFF ALREADY !!! Like idc how cute you are, please take your royal bastard ass home and take your ratty sister with you too.