Anything where the seme have some serious honkers? A real set of badonkers. Packin some dobonhonkeros. Massive dohoonkabhankoloos. Big ol' tonhongerekoogers. Humongous hungolomghononoloughongous.

You wont be let down (i think)

Anyone have suggestions for wholesome manga where the uke is really nice, shy, and a little panicky/flustered? Kind of like this one?

i'm sure i know many others but this one's the very first thing that popped into my mind and i'm giggling like crazy

Any manga with "ugly" or plain ukes with hot seme falling in love with uke's personality?? Preferably completed, please. :)

here are a few ~
• http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/aitsu_no_daihonmei/
• http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hidoku_shinaide/
• http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/you_re_my_princess/
• http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kaeru_no_prince_sama/
• http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/affectionately/
• http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/dasadanan/
and here’s a bonus list <3
happy reading (*´∀`)♪

I was so confident it was in my "I already read" list, but I've lost it somehow. It was a yaoi manga with a bunch of short stories and oneshots. The one I'm looking for is about an uke going to a crossdressing/trans host club with his co-workers. Saw one of the host, fell in love, and asked him out immediately. They're a pretty normal couple, very cutesy. But, seme is worried about fooling the uke into thinking seme is a girl, even though uke is already aware. Uke goes to seme's place to drink and do the deed. Uke does what an uke do best and seme semes the fudge out of uke. Seme wants uke to see him as a guy. Seme believes that he raped uke because he got him drunk and thinks that their relationship is over. Uke says that if he didn't want it, he would have ran away. Uke accepts seme for who he is. And that's it. I remember the story being really wholesome and hot. lol

One the chapters from this manga

I’m not so sure but check this one out.

Omg I felt like I read this... but I forget it too... there’s 2 semes Ik that dresses as woman... one of them both seme and uke likes to cosplay... cuz it feels good? And the other one just like wearing dresses and is hella prettt with the long hair and he does it with the uke in his dress... AUGHH SO MADE I DIDNT SAFE IT *cries

Are there any threesomes out there that ends with all 3 of them happily together?

I consider this successfull
This one too
This has a happy end!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Choco Strawberry Vanilla(≧∀≦)

I remember reading a oneshot or side story set in a world where it rained non-stop. One day it was expected that there would be a short period of sunlight. A kid in (elementary?) school was being bullied by his peers and was locked in a closet. He screams to be let out. The sun came out and the kids ran outside to play. When it started raining again they came back in and realized the one kid was still in the closet, all quiet.

I remember reading a short that's set in a world where it rained non-stop. One day it was expected that there would be a period of sunlight for 2 or so hours. A kid in (elementary?) school was being bullied by his peers and was locked in a closet. The sun came out and the kids ran outside to play. When it started raining again they came back in and realized the one kid was still in the closet, all quiet.
Any isekai where main character is reincarnated as the opposite gender? BL, GL, straight, no romance, anything is fine. Preferably completed. If not, that's okay too! (๑⌒ᴗ⌒)و✧
u might have seen this already but Youjo Senki/The Saga of Tanya the Evil is the best example of this trope
Vouching for this recc
I've seen the anime that covers a portion of the story. Will add that to my list! Thanks! Just saw an announcement that "The Old Man Reincarnated as a Villainess" is getting an anime adaption next year and it just piqued my interest. Haha
Ahh! Absolutely love the anime! Didn't want to spoil the anime for myself so I avoided reading it. But I do know the anime does gloss over some good bits. lol May read if I get too impatient.
just remembered this story has this trope too:
I will only say this. Manga is bit different from anime, and novel (which is the original) also different from anime and manga. They have same plot. But little bit different