Drity Thoughts's feed

The conversations were very well thought out and believable. It's one of the more grounded stories I've read that has really kept me interest and emotionally invested while reading. I'm glad I read it when it's completed, because I don't think I would be able to follow the story otherwise. Overall, a really good read. Especially when you're tired of over-the-top characters, fast paced story, and mind-numbingly dumb logic to move the plot forward.

Had to go to different websites to read because some of the chapters were missing panels or just jumbled nearing the end. Didn't want to ruin the experience for myself. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I know Woo Hyung is the very center of this story, but I truly wish there was more depth and a conclusion to Boguk's trauma and Sujo's family situation at the end.

I find it crazy how Boguk, Sujo, Noa, and Noyeol are all obsessed over him in different ways. Trying to love, help, fix, and own him.

It was tough seeing him destroy himself because of how much of a people pleaser his is and seeing how much harder he falls into depression each time he says he's fine, like he's gaslighting himself. In a way, it's dumb, but understandable to me and it's hard to get out of that mindset.

Also, Boguk saying Hyung is asexual caught me off guard. That just leaves me with more questions. Was sex just an escape? Was it to try and please the other party? Even before the incident? Was he ever interested in it? He did say that he could get it up whenever he felt like it. I never noticed until Boguk said it.