This is one of the most beautifully written and illustrated webtoon/manga/manhwa I’ve read. And I’ve read my fair share. Everything, every minor detail, seems well thought out. The writer of this is truly an “author.” A rare one in this day and age.
Yes, yes! I can't rave enough about Reunion. Their art is perfect for how they use light and express even minor emotions. The way they draw hands, conveys emotion and tension in the characters. The pacing of the story, I know some find it slow but it's perfect to build the tension and emotions in the characters. And the love making for that is what is (and it not smut) is so sensual and intimate that I feel like I walked in on something I should not have. Honestly, this one NEEDs to be more widely popular, we need more representation of relationships like this one.
Cant wait to reread everything because this is su h a masterpiece!!! And i feel like its brilliance will be more appreciated when read in one go. But i cant, for the life of me, not read each and every update!!!