maimai's experience ( All 0 )

maimai's answer ( All 1 )

I have never ever had a problem with gays or anything like that. But I do mostly read it for the sake of the story, yaoi that are realistic about society are pretty few (and I LOVE those) and because of that I mostly just expect at good love story with a bit of smut. And I like yaoi more than shounen-ai (as well as smutty shoujo rather than just sh......   2 reply
15 04,2017

maimai's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did show me your favorite manga

Just some of them:

3 hours
did vent

I rarely vent with words. I use actions to demonstrate what I meant. People should try it sometimes. I don't want to live with regrets.

1 days
did scuba diving


1 days