I was just imagining when me and my future husband about to doing it being stop and got traveled time to bump ourselves in 10 years later and my first time being done by my 10 years later future husband.......also my future husband's first being done by me in 10 years later.........it would be fucked up....because neither our first time being done by other ourselves in 10 years later....even if the other was ourselves in 10 years later still upsetting me because i don't get my future husband's first time and i have to wait 10 years later to get his first time!!!!!!!!! And that's why rin and sousuke get irritated up till now......
This is what we called beautiful messed up.....die, this story juat too cruel yet sooooo good!! What's wrong with me, I love this kind of story........T^T
Trust me... it's not so great when it happens to you in real life...
Well yeah..I don't want my face to get burned.