I feel like I know what BL you're talking about. LMAO. They could just put season something and continue the story. Aide stories are supposed to be fun and chill and happy. I stopped reading that side stories coz it's stressing me out more than the main story. Gdi
I feel like I know what BL you're talking about. LMAO. They could just put season something and continue the story. Aide stories are supposed to be fun and chill and happy. I stopped reading that side stories c... LynxSeoltang
Yes, I want the side stories to relieved my stress from the main story.
Maybe 2-3 chapters of heavy side topic in the main story but that's it.
Yes, I want the side stories to relieved my stress from the main story.Maybe 2-3 chapters of heavy side topic in the main story but that's it. RottenHermit
I'm just thinking that instead of 'Lee Han' as his name in the fantasy world. Isn't 'Lian' or 'Liam' more suitable name for a western fantasy world?