In case you’re on the fence or just want some clarifications:
*Raonhiljo (2ML) is not secretly a bad person, or the one who killed MC mom
*Garon was the murderer of the mom and village and many many more
*There’s no “redemption arc”, no secret meaning, Garon is a cold blooded murderer. They do try to play the he was born w no feelings shit, but they do show he knows right from wrong.
*Even in the chasing arc (literally, MC ends up running away) and Garon is practically crazy with obsession hunting him down, he still butchering innocent ppl To calm him.
*2ML is madly in love w MC and no bad intentions or prejudice or ambitions. He wanted to live quietly but became a rebel all for MC. He is literally the best ML I’ve read in these types of stories and the ending really frustrates me. If anyone read the novel and wants to vent, pls do bc wtf!
*MC chooses Garon despite knowing all he did and witnessing lots of his atrocities. He feels conflicted but can’t escape it.
*Only redeeming thing Garon did was stop killing all Willy nilly, per MC request.. says if you want my forgiveness you can’t just kill ppl for no reason, you don’t have that right.
*Novel is gruesome in detail of the murders, so it really hits home how bad this guy is.
Hopefully manhwa covers some loose ends , like the stories of the guards, super spoiler
The main guards are 3 brothers and 2 of them are in an incestuous relationship. Doesn’t really dive into them at all or, if Raonhiljo eventually heals or Naro and the 3rd guard brother hook up, etc. I felt like there was more to the story and then it ended.
Please feel free to engage, the novel frustrated me and I want to let it all out, lol.
I really wish they wld have done the novel side stories as well, they’re really cute. Esp the younger bro point of view, seems like he has a little crush on Seoyou.
My prediction from last week was half right. Euihyun beat the foam out of that dude. He didn’t get to escape but his baby daddy is in the building
Everyone is scared he’s going to be raped but I foresee Euihyun beating that fuguly idiots ass again. The asshole is going to get his shit split, again, and Euihyun will use the opportunity to try and escape, bc the fool prob left the door unsecured. Then the next chapter(s) after that will be a race on who will get to Euihyun first, Teuju or the gangsters.. I refuse to believe after all of this she will write a pregnant character getting raped. I will 100% stop supporting the author on the legal platform if she does.
Does anyone know what platform the officials are set to be released on? I tried looking on the creators twitter but don’t know how far back it was announced
I’m so glad they changed the ending. It’s not open ended and a little sad. It wrapped things up in a way where the reader didn’t feel like Subin “settled”.
The father isn’t a bad person in my opinion but he certainly acting rashly and selfish. I think he was going through some postpartum depression when he left that piece of shit baby daddy, but he still went about it all wrong. He tried to shift unfit parenting guilt on big bro to ease his own guilt for dipping on his new born. He shldnt have come in all hot on a little kid who literally doesn’t know your face from a hole in the wall. If he takes a step back and eases back into his kids life like he shld have and apologizes to them, then we all good. In the future they can have shared custody rather than his bs that he tried to pull.
Why is everyone always so pressed over so called character development? Some times characters be shitty like that. I think once you’re able to read something at face value rather than try to inject your own values into it, you’ll be able to enjoy the story more.
FYI, Tappytoon is uploading official English translation of the novel. I hope the manhwa is soon to follow.
Please everyone , pump ya breaks, the epilogue has 2 additional episodes. Hopefully they will answer some gaps left in the story.