TheTenderVigilante February 26, 2025 12:23 am

Every single chapter minus the smexy ones makes me tear up, without fail. An author who’s emotionally mature and has a sincere understanding of human loneliness and the need for love.

TheTenderVigilante January 27, 2025 3:58 am

Not all these ppl making shit up about Raonhiljo just to justify to themselves about liking a psycho murderer. Buddy is literally going around rounding up innocent young men to slaughter bc baby lost his toy. If you like the villain, that’s cool, he’s a good looking character and it’s not too often you come across an irredeemable ML. But stop w the baseless made up Raon slander. He’s not up to something, not a rapist , not a secret villain. For the first time in a while, these characters are exactly what they seem, and that’s cool too, change is good.

    Pachikogreen January 27, 2025 12:09 pm

    Girl thank you for saying this, I literally dropped this manhwa because of the seme, like what he will do to redeem himself? Only one thing, k*ll himself

TheTenderVigilante December 20, 2024 3:33 pm

I love when they draw kitty whiskers on MC

TheTenderVigilante December 3, 2024 6:29 pm

Ohmygaaah! I love her so much! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

TheTenderVigilante November 12, 2024 6:45 pm

In case you’re on the fence or just want some clarifications:

*Raonhiljo (2ML) is not secretly a bad person, or the one who killed MC mom
*Garon was the murderer of the mom and village and many many more
*There’s no “redemption arc”, no secret meaning, Garon is a cold blooded murderer. They do try to play the he was born w no feelings shit, but they do show he knows right from wrong.
*Even in the chasing arc (literally, MC ends up running away) and Garon is practically crazy with obsession hunting him down, he still butchering innocent ppl To calm him.
*2ML is madly in love w MC and no bad intentions or prejudice or ambitions. He wanted to live quietly but became a rebel all for MC. He is literally the best ML I’ve read in these types of stories and the ending really frustrates me. If anyone read the novel and wants to vent, pls do bc wtf!
*MC chooses Garon despite knowing all he did and witnessing lots of his atrocities. He feels conflicted but can’t escape it.
*Only redeeming thing Garon did was stop killing all Willy nilly, per MC request.. says if you want my forgiveness you can’t just kill ppl for no reason, you don’t have that right.
*Novel is gruesome in detail of the murders, so it really hits home how bad this guy is.

Hopefully manhwa covers some loose ends , like the stories of the guards, super spoiler

The main guards are 3 brothers and 2 of them are in an incestuous relationship. Doesn’t really dive into them at all or, if Raonhiljo eventually heals or Naro and the 3rd guard brother hook up, etc. I felt like there was more to the story and then it ended.
Please feel free to engage, the novel frustrated me and I want to let it all out, lol.

    Jaxx November 14, 2024 4:23 am

    1st off ty for for this.

    also fck damit WHy DOES bl aUthors always fail to write a good bl without rape and fxxing im tired at this point , such a good waste of art / plot 2nd Ml

    Nimimimim November 15, 2024 7:18 am

    i have a question.

    what about the 'poison' MC is giving Garon. Is he like immune to poisons or was MC unknowingly holding back on him.

    Jaxx November 15, 2024 12:43 pm
    i have a question.what about the 'poison' MC is giving Garon. Is he like immune to poisons or was MC unknowingly holding back on him. Nimimimim

    they did mention something about a "antidote'

    TheTenderVigilante November 15, 2024 6:11 pm

    So the poison is “him”. Imae poison other breeds of ppl when mixing their bodies. So sleeping w a human, you’re poisoning them when you have sex. Garon isnt immune, but it shows that since MC is mixed it might have taken longer to affect him. Also the signs of the poison comes in steps, first you’re seizing up, then that goes away and you start coughing up blood, then that goes away and it’s like you’re cure, then bam you die. The antidote, the MC didn’t find out until much later from the Imae chief. At first he didn’t want to know then he did, and the chief told him on his “deathbed”. The antidote is one of his horns. But to remove an Imae horn could possibly kill them, if not affect them negatively.

    Kyaaa November 15, 2024 10:16 pm

    I feel the same way, the MC was able to escape the ML TWICE! Thanks to the 2nd ML of course. You know most of these mangas always end with the crappy ML having the MC or have a redemption arc to justify the ML actions (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 I haven’t finished reading the novel and I saw it has some side stories. If you finished it all would you mind spoiling the rest please?
    P.S what I really did like about garon was how he killed the imae leader’s son and that concubine that tried to hurt our poor MC

    Nimimimim November 15, 2024 10:31 pm
    they did mention something about a "antidote' Jaxx

    yeah, i saw about the antidote but I'm wondering if Garon even needs it in the first place. SPOILER

    i scrolled down and saw that Garon knew that he was being poisoned by MC but he was too obsessed with him that he didn't care enough to punish him.

    TheTenderVigilante November 15, 2024 10:50 pm
    I feel the same way, the MC was able to escape the ML TWICE! Thanks to the 2nd ML of course. You know most of these mangas always end with the crappy ML having the MC or have a redemption arc to justify the ML ... Kyaaa

    The side stories were basically his life after going back to Garon willingly. After 2ML names him sets him free, tells him he’s giving him one chance to go. Afterwards he doesn’t care if it’s guilt or what he won’t let him go. The issue was after the second time he escaped Garon “died”, after 2ML stormed the castle w all those other tribes and his own gun. But Garon now has canons, decimating anything in its path. After their battle Garon is fatallly wounded and is already dying bc it’s the final stage of his poison. MC tears off horn and feeds it to him even tho Garon tries to refuse..Garon knew the antidote all along. MC watches Garon die or so he thinks. He’s taken back to 2ML new village where he’s an art teacher for the village children. What he doesn’t know is that he’s sleepwalking again, bc he’s mourning Garon. Later he finds out Garon lives and the sleepwalking intensifies like he’s trying to get to him. That’s when 2ML lets him go. Now their souls are tied and it shows sometimes MC is in a lot of pain and knows it’s bc 2ML is hurting and vice versa. The extras talk about his new life , how he won’t forgive Garon just yet or sleep w him bc he’s scared. Also shows the after effects of ripping of his horn. Since it’s attached to nerves he suffers a lot of pain, and he can’t over stimulate himself or he can die. Meaning sex, painting,even getting angry all have to be done in moderation. Naro becomes head painter , one of the guards falls for Naro, and mundane things like that. Just how he interacts w ppl in the castle and how Garon does anything he asks. Goes on nightly date walks,etc.One point Garons heads of state try to frame MC for trying to lead 2ML into another ambush but that’s bc now there is peace and peace isn’t profitable. So Garon feeds them to his dragons. There was one last chapter where 2ML is mentioned and introduces another character and it makes it seem like he might move on or something, but that’s the last chapter 2LM is mentioned with 0 resolution or happy ending or anything. Just left my man heartbroken and alone. And that’s what pisses me off, like how,why! The very last chapter is MC painting a portrait for garons official and how the official was so proud and happy with it and when he sign is he signs it with the name Garon gives him. The end. Terrible ending. It’s not like it was a light hearted story to end so light hearted and vague.
    I agree how he killed the empress and the tribe leaders son was good bc they were harming MC but damn he was brutal..for those who don’t know I can’t spoil the gorey details if you want.

    TheTenderVigilante November 15, 2024 10:55 pm
    yeah, i saw about the antidote but I'm wondering if Garon even needs it in the first place. SPOILERi scrolled down and saw that Garon knew that he was being poisoned by MC but he was too obsessed with him that ... Nimimimim

    Yes he needed it, he wasn’t immunei.. even tho he suspected he didn’t care. The poison takes into effect in 3 stages, the stiffness, coughing blood, then all goes away like cured, and that’s when you die. Garon also figured out the antidote after confirming he was being poisoned, but didn’t really care. He was waiting for MC to confess.

    Suibian^^ November 15, 2024 10:56 pm

    Talking about psychopaths. You might like "the beast must die"
    Is the story of a boy and a psyco, in my opinion well written, the ML knows what he is and lives a normal life for many years till he murders someone and the only thing stoping him is MC that keeps his human side.
    But the autor and even the ML is clearly telling you, he can't feel love, he dosen't have feelings, he won’t be sad if someone dies, he knows right from wrong but as he dosen't feel guilt he dosen't care, but if someone is bad he can use that as an excuse to kill. he sometimes wish he could be normal and feel something...
    It all tells you there's some functional psychopaths

    TheTenderVigilante November 15, 2024 11:07 pm
    Talking about psychopaths. You might like "the beast must die"Is the story of a boy and a psyco, in my opinion well written, the ML knows what he is and lives a normal life for many years till he murders someon... Suibian^^

    Yes I’ve read the beast must die, manga only. True representation of psychopathy, and entertaining. I found it a bit annoying reading it here tho, all the ppl insisting that ML treatment of MC is his way of showing love. there is no love for psychopaths, what is it that you all don’t understand! Also Blind Play was good, but is far more gorey than TBMD.

    TheTenderVigilante November 15, 2024 11:20 pm

    That’s another thing, this novel had a habit of introducing topics then never coming back to it. Take the latest chapter of the manga, and what it was saying about the mom, what happened to her, how did she die, was thee incest, is that why he’s so messed up, did Garon kill her himslef, etc. it alludes to her, I think in a nightmare, then that’s it . No answers, so why bring it up!

    Nimimimim November 16, 2024 12:33 am
    The side stories were basically his life after going back to Garon willingly. After 2ML names him sets him free, tells him he’s giving him one chance to go. Afterwards he doesn’t care if it’s guilt or wha... TheTenderVigilante

    oh damn. thanks for the spoiler, everything makes much more sense now. but what's the name Garon gives MC?

    TheTenderVigilante November 16, 2024 3:52 am
    oh damn. thanks for the spoiler, everything makes much more sense now. but what's the name Garon gives MC? Nimimimim

    Damha… a faint purplish sunset

    Suibian^^ November 18, 2024 2:00 pm

    I'm still reading the novel towards the end.
    - I feel the MC at first was a living dead, he has no place in his heart for love no 1ML or 2ML
    - The 2ML is a good person but was also obsessed with MC since he first saw him, we can say he fell in love. But he had similar thoughts as 1ML, he desired lusted after MC. Saldly he risked everything to be with him/have him.
    - MC didn’t give him signals that he wanted to be together or loved him. I understand he wanted to save him but it wasn't his place to decide for MC. He put many lives at risk and many died for his careless actions.
    * You can’t help someone that dosen't want to be helped. MC was looking for revenge no matter what.
    * He only loved his mother and his friend Naro, but didn't felt sorry for his tribe, he even feels relieve when 2ML kills his rapper and destroys his tribe. the slaugther and cruelty he saw was disturbing him more than his guilt
    * 1ML give him a reason to live. He was indeb and grateful at 2ML.

    * he might be better and happier away from them both

TheTenderVigilante November 5, 2024 1:21 am

Ugh, if evil, who so handsome!? Be gone now though

    Disi November 5, 2024 3:15 am

    I really liked his character design, and he dressed nicely too! Why was he such a dick?

TheTenderVigilante August 9, 2024 10:13 pm

I really wish they wld have done the novel side stories as well, they’re really cute. Esp the younger bro point of view, seems like he has a little crush on Seoyou.

TheTenderVigilante July 28, 2024 12:29 am

I love his little fangs

TheTenderVigilante June 27, 2024 8:25 pm

My prediction from last week was half right. Euihyun beat the foam out of that dude. He didn’t get to escape but his baby daddy is in the building

TheTenderVigilante June 21, 2024 10:12 pm

Everyone is scared he’s going to be raped but I foresee Euihyun beating that fuguly idiots ass again. The asshole is going to get his shit split, again, and Euihyun will use the opportunity to try and escape, bc the fool prob left the door unsecured. Then the next chapter(s) after that will be a race on who will get to Euihyun first, Teuju or the gangsters.. I refuse to believe after all of this she will write a pregnant character getting raped. I will 100% stop supporting the author on the legal platform if she does.

    lovingmoon June 21, 2024 10:19 pm

    honestly!!!!! euihyun suffered so much already!!!!! just let him be fucking happy god damn

    Mangalover1 June 21, 2024 10:21 pm

    Maybe not raped but bitten up where he could have miscarriage or wild card - this motherfucker wants to get on a good side with Taeju and will bring Euihyun to him lol
    Anyway something have to happen cus the time-line is a few days between exchange. Also I'm still with idea that author doesn't let anything happen to Euihyun(only applies to it) or get hurt by anyone except Taeju

    pandisosoft June 21, 2024 10:22 pm

    I don’t mind what happens tbh but ima try stay positive for him, I hope nothing happens to him

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