I am going to be so honest, I thought this was going to be honest after the truth was revealed and she stayed in the world lol. I’m so surprised there’s more
Caught up in one sitting and my god these two need deep therapy. Deeeeeep therapy
I might have to write out carcel’s letter just to have merch for this fandom…
Also her brother is so fine omg I need a spin off immediately
me the last 50 chapters: wow i could really use some joy right now!
And I know they’re different but as someone who misses Given everyday, this is filling a void in my chest
okay like the Beatles to get a girlfriend, noted noted
i feel like i need Aaron to sit a few chapters out until this anita thing is handled. I get him being clingy is supposed to be cute but it’s not doing it for me while so much is yet to be solved!
I know Aaron has a crush but i need him to lock in and not get in her way during this journey. We’ve watched her set this up for sooo long for him to be pulling stunts because he’s ’seducing her’
And while I do love angst? Nothing beats a fool in love omg
Can’t believe I thought he had a chance of choosing the right side and maybe he was playing anita or something omg
Pls I thought the secret he had that no one knew about would be like ‘he’s a criminal’ but in reality he just has attachment issues lmaooo love this
Before every chapter I have take a deep breath to prepare myself
There is nothing i love more than despair in the main characters
This is not enough after a two week wait pleaseeee. the people (me) beg for more
I love that all of the manhwa i picked up in 2020 are like ‘wouldn’t it be so funny if we all made our FLs want to die at the same time lol’ (Ruby this is about you pls)