How the f was everyone okay with that?? And the mom just let them date like bruh that kid obviously doesn‘t understand that it‘s wrong. She didn‘t even get really mad, a good mother would call the cops on that dipshit to protect her child and be disgusted by that man.
And how is a high schooler so uneducated, innocent and dumb?? The story just went on like a child did not just get RAPED??
This isn‘t the only yaoi I‘ve read with pedophilia in it, but the way it was portrayed like it‘s not that of a big deal here just made me mad. Reminds me of maps trying to normalize being a pedo.
The author also tried to justify the semes actions or something like that and hive him a victim role by giving him that backstory. That won‘t make him any less of a gross pedo though!!
Honestly hoped the mom would find out, break up with him and let him rot in prison in the end.
I think the guy from the last chapter (21) is from „My Dirty Fantasy Came True„. Tsuji has his own manga now too called „ Eishi Tsuji Doesn't Do Love“ won‘t read it tho cause I hate that guy