wonhomilkytiddies June 25, 2021 1:43 am

GRR BARK BARK everyone talking about love but Iā€™m only looking at his tiddies rn

wonhomilkytiddies June 23, 2021 1:01 am

ngl I didnā€™t think this manga would be this long

wonhomilkytiddies June 22, 2021 5:09 am

#FreeSuha .. cus this shit is sick

wonhomilkytiddies June 22, 2021 5:08 am

GIRL DIRECTOR DID A WHOLE 180 .. girl what is happening

    Felipe June 22, 2021 5:09 am

    i accidently downvoted

wonhomilkytiddies June 21, 2021 11:30 pm

yess love older ukes

wonhomilkytiddies June 21, 2021 11:07 pm

not done yet but the whole extreme mommy issues thing is giving very much killing stalking ..

wonhomilkytiddies June 21, 2021 10:30 pm

I rereading and I just realized Paulina and Hani have pink nips .. ik itā€™s just a story but theyā€™re literally darkskin, shouldnā€™t their nips be brown ??

wonhomilkytiddies June 20, 2021 5:04 am

hot asf ! but the locs .. yea no .. heā€™s not black :|

    Person June 20, 2021 5:59 am

    Didnā€™t know you had to be black to have them

    pimp named slickback June 20, 2021 6:11 am
    Didnā€™t know you had to be black to have them Person

    yes u have to be black to have them

    abyss June 20, 2021 6:20 am
    yes u have to be black to have them pimp named slickback

    What does that even mean? My friend has locs, she is Asian. You don't need to be black just to have them wth, if you like them you can have them

    girl i- June 20, 2021 6:31 am
    What does that even mean? My friend has locs, she is Asian. You don't need to be black just to have them wth, if you like them you can have them abyss

    something tells me youā€™re not black .. i just canā€™t play my finger on it

    i_came_for_the_gay June 20, 2021 6:35 am
    What does that even mean? My friend has locs, she is Asian. You don't need to be black just to have them wth, if you like them you can have them abyss

    It will RUIN your hair, your friend's hair is gonna start falling out and it finna lose the little moisture it has left bruv. Locks are meant for black people because it protects their hair. The hair that NO other race has!!

    Passionatefujo June 20, 2021 6:43 am
    something tells me youā€™re not black .. i just canā€™t play my finger on it girl i-

    I'm black and I don't care if non black ppl wear locs. People can do whatever they want with thier own body including thier hair, not to mention other races have worn it in ancient history so we don't even own it in that regard. No one but westerners have this stupid idea that cultures can't be mixed with others and it just not true. This mindset only divides ppl instead of bringing us together, please rethink your view on this and sorry for the long reply^^

    fairytailpiano42 June 20, 2021 6:48 am

    I suggest u do some research on dreadlocks before u comment and sound ignorant like this(i know that may have sounded mean but I'm genuinely giving u advice and not trying to condemn u). Dreadlocks are a protective hairstyle and anyone of any skin color can wear them.
    It just so happens that the majority of people that have the hair type for dreads are barked skin as biologically melanin in the hair often produces the dreadlocks hair type. And being that Dreadlocks or Rass is also symbolic in the Rastafarian culture it has been most dominantly identified with people of color, therefore it is sometimes mistaken as "part of black peoples culture and only black people can wear them".

    Also, that makes no sense at all when u really think about it, cause If we claim it as a part of our culture and only black people are supposed to wear it answer me this, what exactly does it mean?
    A lot of black people are so quick to go on the defensive when they see other people wearing dreads and we love to claim it as our own but I can bet everything I have not even half those people know what it means or even have them. Just because Rastafarians are the ones with bread integrated into their culture and they are black doesn't mean it's a part of exclusively black people's culture and only people of color are supposed to wear it.
    That's just ridiculous especially since Rastafarianism was born in Jamaica in the 1930s as a movement following a prophecy made by Marcus Garvey, meanwhile, bread was being worn since as early as 3600 BC by people regardless of origin or race. So I ask, How is it that dreads are meant for black people or people of color alone again?

    fairytailpiano42 June 20, 2021 6:48 am
    I suggest u do some research on dreadlocks before u comment and sound ignorant like this(i know that may have sounded mean but I'm genuinely giving u advice and not trying to condemn u). Dreadlocks are a protec... fairytailpiano42

    I went on a rant in the last part from "Also," lol (恄ļæ£ Ā³ļæ£)恄 that part is more specifically aimed towards people in the black community and us as a society and not directly aimed at you @wonhomilkytiddies

    abyss June 20, 2021 7:32 am
    It will RUIN your hair, your friend's hair is gonna start falling out and it finna lose the little moisture it has left bruv. Locks are meant for black people because it protects their hair. The hair that NO ot... i_came_for_the_gay

    Thanks for the info but honestly I don't give a damn as she takes care of her hair, She loves her hair and I'm happy for her. Don't be offended, I see no race, i just believe in my morals, if you like it better do it then regret

    abyss June 20, 2021 7:40 am
    I'm black and I don't care if non black ppl wear locs. People can do whatever they want with thier own body including thier hair, not to mention other races have worn it in ancient history so we don't even own... Passionatefujo

    Thank you, I've been saying that, it's just if you like it do it, it's your body, honestly my friend likes her hair and it suits her so much, I see no fault in doing what she likes, so I was confused when people started pointing out that you need to be black for having locs

    Momo June 20, 2021 7:45 am
    It will RUIN your hair, your friend's hair is gonna start falling out and it finna lose the little moisture it has left bruv. Locks are meant for black people because it protects their hair. The hair that NO ot... i_came_for_the_gay

    Dude, Ainu people have similar a hair type, and one of the early hair styles people in the various Japanese Ainu tribes wore were dreadlocks. There are many people in Japan that are either Ainu or mainly decendants of Ainu people that still have that hair type. The hair style has a place in various countries and cultures and races across the world.

    Momo June 20, 2021 7:51 am
    Thank you, I've been saying that, it's just if you like it do it, it's your body, honestly my friend likes her hair and it suits her so much, I see no fault in doing what she likes, so I was confused when peopl... abyss

    Same, I'm black and I don't care either. I mean it's a hair style, there are actually IRL issues to be mad about, instead of being upset over what hairdo someone got at the barber shop. Besides, it's a cool style

    Nana331 June 20, 2021 8:13 am
    Thank you, I've been saying that, it's just if you like it do it, it's your body, honestly my friend likes her hair and it suits her so much, I see no fault in doing what she likes, so I was confused when peopl... abyss

    Imma give it to you straight I personally donā€™t give a damn what happens to your friends hair wether it falls out or stays in her head for the rest of her life but what I do know is that, that shit is offensive the fact that black people were mocked and made fun of for many years for there culture and now all of a sudden everyone wants to turn around and do what black people were just being made fun of for doing and so suddenly now itā€™s a trend says a lot itā€™s giving me very much hypocrite. It is 2021 maā€™am/sir thats like me a black African American woman one day deciding ā€œyou know what I feel like wearing a kimono and putting chopsticks in my hair BeCaUsE iTs My bOdYā€ BUT NO I donā€™t do that you know why because that is offensive to Asian culture and I know enough to know that, that would very much be cultural appropriation Maā€™am/Sir as Iā€™ve said it is 2021 thereā€™s plenty videos and explanations explaining what cultural appropriation is so please do us the favor and educate yourself and see why it is so offensive for this manga and also your friend and many other non-black people to wear dreads If you are not a black person then please do not speak on what you feel is not offensive to the black community and why you didnā€™t know why people were upset about your friends dreadlocs anyways stay safe and enjoy the rest of your day!

    laikhatakowowowowowow June 20, 2021 8:40 am
    Imma give it to you straight I personally donā€™t give a damn what happens to your friends hair wether it falls out or stays in her head for the rest of her life but what I do know is that, that shit is offens... Nana331

    no offense but pls read the earlier comments from @fairytailpiano42 and @momo to get the history context of this argument. nobody is saying that black people's struggles are invalid and nobody is trying to be offensive, I'm sorry for this person's behalf bc their comment made you feel offended but in reality, it is a hairstyle worn by many throughout the ages. the argument that was made was to show that the hairstyle don't just belong to one culture and americans needs to acknowledge that there are other countries with their own set of struggles, culture, beliefs and history.

    Momo June 20, 2021 8:48 am
    no offense but pls read the earlier comments from @fairytailpiano42 and @momo to get the history context of this argument. nobody is saying that black people's struggles are invalid and nobody is trying to be o... laikhatakowowowowowow

    Oh, don't worry, I'm not offended at all! I'm just trying to add to what you said about how it is a hairstyle worn in various cultures including ones in Japan where the story takes place. There are a lot of people in the US who don't know about what I mentioned, so I wanted to share what I knew.

    laikhatakowowowowowow June 20, 2021 9:04 am
    Oh, don't worry, I'm not offended at all! I'm just trying to add to what you said about how it is a hairstyle worn in various cultures including ones in Japan where the story takes place. There are a lot of peo... Momo

    oh actually my comment isn't directed to you, instead, it is directed to @nana331 bc i think they're the one that needed to read both yours and fairytail's comment to understand more deeply that locks aren't smth that is only practiced in one specific culture, but instead, smth that is practice by many others also.

    Sannanana June 20, 2021 9:31 am

    Y'all just enjoy the damn manga, he looks hott so why does it matter. A fictional character can have any feature yknow to make em look attractive. (ļæ£āˆ‡ļæ£")

    fairytailpiano42 June 20, 2021 9:42 am
    oh actually my comment isn't directed to you, instead, it is directed to @nana331 bc i think they're the one that needed to read both yours and fairytail's comment to understand more deeply that locks aren't sm... laikhatakowowowowowow

    Also they should do some research of their own
    Btw if @nana331 is reading this contrary to popular social media depiction and information that is only hearsay and in gossip, Asians and Japanes, etc. have no problem with foreigners wearing their cultural clothes, ancestral clothes, practicing/experiencing their traditions ect. once they make an effort to do them property.
    They are very welcoming to everyone and are open to creative interpretation of their culture (such as art that maybe inspired or lossly based on their traditions, looks, practices, culture etc) unlike others were creativity is most times scorned and treated like racism or appropriation when its just appreciation sometimes.
    So yes, you can go wear that kimono and stick those chopsticks ur hair and Asians wouldn't go into an uproar and get offended(frankly they could care less) most of the time it's not the Asians that have a problem with certain things.

    abyss June 20, 2021 11:49 am
    Imma give it to you straight I personally donā€™t give a damn what happens to your friends hair wether it falls out or stays in her head for the rest of her life but what I do know is that, that shit is offens... Nana331

    First of all, I'm sorry if I made any one offended specially you. I don't have enough knowledge about your culture or about your history. And our intention was never to mock any one, she just did it cause she appreciated/ liked that hairstyle. Honestly if you ever decided to wear a "kimono or chopsticks" just let me know, I'll be more then happy to hand deliver it to you. We really like it if some one who is non Asian is interested in our culture, it just makes us believe that our culture has become somewhat special that people have started to look into it. Then again I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway, that was never really my intention. I'll tell her about you and try to get the locs out if possible. And me as an uneducated person, if possible please let by gones be bygone, locs are appreciated, you are appreciated, all round the world, we just did/do what we love without going into any depts as we were raised that way. I'm really not good at English that much, so I don't know if I was able to make you understand but just know that it was never really my intention to offend anyone. Hope you have an amazing day and stay safe.

    fairytailpiano42 June 20, 2021 12:40 pm
    First of all, I'm sorry if I made any one offended specially you. I don't have enough knowledge about your culture or about your history. And our intention was never to mock any one, she just did it cause she a... abyss

    Ur so dame sweet ā•„ļ¹ā•„ you don't need to apologize though and ur friend doesn't need to take hairstyles out of her hair just cause someone else over the internet said that they're offended. What ur friend did was just put a style in her hair at most it's cultural appreciation.
    Dreads aren't for only black people it was around way before it started to, falsely btw, get associated with black people alone, and some people who are misinformed and haven't done their research wholeheartedly believing that it is part of our culture and black people are the only ones that should have it in their heads (which is an ignorant and toxic belief if u just think about it).
    Dreads we're around since as far back as the BC era and only recently in the 1900s started getting associated with black people alone. One of the reason for that was the abundance of racism and discrimination and it was easy to morph Dreadlocks into a black stereotype. Especially since it is known to be a protective hairstyle the best-suited hair with a certain level of melanin (hence it's a predominant association with people of color).
    You really don't need to apologize "if" u have offended anyone at all(怜ļæ£ā–³ļæ£)怜

    wonhomilkytiddies June 20, 2021 1:08 pm
    Y'all just enjoy the damn manga, he looks hott so why does it matter. A fictional character can have any feature yknow to make em look attractive. (ļæ£āˆ‡ļæ£") Sannanana

    yea but he doesnā€™t look cute only the seme was cute to me , the uke couldve been cute but the locs

    wonhomilkytiddies June 20, 2021 1:09 pm
    Imma give it to you straight I personally donā€™t give a damn what happens to your friends hair wether it falls out or stays in her head for the rest of her life but what I do know is that, that shit is offens... Nana331

    THANK YOU !!!! I am also a black person n I hate when people try to tell me what is and what isnā€™t offensive to OUR community like babe youā€™re not even one of us ..

    wonhomilkytiddies June 20, 2021 1:10 pm
    I'm black and I don't care if non black ppl wear locs. People can do whatever they want with thier own body including thier hair, not to mention other races have worn it in ancient history so we don't even own... Passionatefujo

    from the first sentence I know damn well not to trust a black person like you bye

    wonhomilkytiddies June 20, 2021 1:12 pm
    What does that even mean? My friend has locs, she is Asian. You don't need to be black just to have them wth, if you like them you can have them abyss

    please tell your friend to remove them cus itā€™s not for her hair one .. and two black people literally went thru hell and back just to be able to wear our hairstyles without it being weird or dirty or unprofessional..

    abyss June 20, 2021 2:20 pm
    Ur so dame sweet ā•„ļ¹ā•„ you don't need to apologize though and ur friend doesn't need to take hairstyles out of her hair just cause someone else over the internet said that they're offended. What ur friend d... fairytailpiano42

    I really appreciate your words 'ā—”'

    abyss June 20, 2021 2:35 pm
    please tell your friend to remove them cus itā€™s not for her hair one .. and two black people literally went thru hell and back just to be able to wear our hairstyles without it being weird or dirty or unprofe... wonhomilkytiddies

    I showed her the whole discussion, and she said "If appreciating someone's culture and liking them makes us seem rude, I'll just change, I hope you people end up with amazing hairstyle".

    Passionatefujo June 21, 2021 6:38 am
    Thank you, I've been saying that, it's just if you like it do it, it's your body, honestly my friend likes her hair and it suits her so much, I see no fault in doing what she likes, so I was confused when peopl... abyss

    Exactly(恄ļæ£ Ā³ļæ£)恄

    fairytailpiano42 June 21, 2021 5:28 pm
    please tell your friend to remove them cus itā€™s not for her hair one .. and two black people literally went thru hell and back just to be able to wear our hairstyles without it being weird or dirty or unprofe... wonhomilkytiddies

    One what right do you have to tell someone you don't know and haven't met to tell their friend take a hairstyle out of their own head, are u the hairstyle police.

    Two how do you know they dont have the hair type for dreadlocks, if ur ignorance has beseeched u and a simple google search wasn't worth our time not only black people have the hair type for dreadlocks.

    Three do u know how ignorant it sounds to tell someone they can't put a dang hairstyle in their own hair because their skin isn't dark. I would go as far as to say it's borderline racist cause ur telling someone they can't do something because their skin isn't a certain color, something black people have had a problem with for over a millennium. I would get it if u say they can't wear dreads cause their not Rastafarian, because dreads have a significant cultural meaning to Rastafarians, but ur argument is they can't wear it cause biologically they just so happened to not have enough melanin in their skin to make it dark all the while referring to struggles black people had because their skin was a certain color, something no one can control and shouldn't be criticized for as it is biological, very hypocritical of u.

    And lastly, again for the hundredth time dreads is a HAIRSTYLE, one that doesn't belong to black people or no specific race of people for that matter. There was never a problem with dreads, it's white people that were racist that wanted to make problems unprovoked and as a result, we were shit on for dreads as people with darker skin were the ones that predominantly wore deads, because melanin in the hair is what causes the hair type for dreads, that and the Rastafarian movement in Jamaica. Of course, this is me simplifying historical events, there is much more that happened but that isn't that topic rn.

    If anything Rastafarians should be the ones complaining as it's part of their culture, not black peoples. And just because ur black doesn't mean ur Rastafarian. The point is black people don't own the rights to a hairstyle that has been around far before racism, white colonialism, the Rastafarian movement, heck even Jesus christ and they sure don't have any kind of authority to tell someone what they can and can't put in their own hair.

    fairytailpiano42 June 21, 2021 5:59 pm
    I showed her the whole discussion, and she said "If appreciating someone's culture and liking them makes us seem rude, I'll just change, I hope you people end up with amazing hairstyle". abyss

    Just because a couple of ignorant people over the internet factual and historically informed or culturally or spiritually enlightened to any degree, and yes I'm saying what their spouting is utter garbage for the most part about only black people should wear areads, doesn't mean ur friend needs tontake a hairstyle out her own hair(恄ļæ£ Ā³ļæ£)恄
    Btw ur friend is a keeper, she was so respectful and considerate even to people that don't deserve it and who were rude to her.įƒš(Ā“Ś”`įƒš)

    abyss June 22, 2021 1:25 pm
    Just because a couple of ignorant people over the internet factual and historically informed or culturally or spiritually enlightened to any degree, and yes I'm saying what their spouting is utter garbage for t... fairytailpiano42

    Thank you very much for your kind words Īµ=Īµ=(惎ā‰§āˆ‡ā‰¦)惎, I really hope you have a blessed day and life ahead of you (āŒ’ā–½āŒ’), again thank you very very much from both of us, we really appreciate your words <3

    See you in hell June 23, 2021 7:04 am

    Ik this conversation is prob over n sorry for bringing it back up but uh yeah the dreads r kinda weird ngl. Im personally okay with certain Asians who had history with I forgot the name but itā€™s not dreads but it looks exactly like dreads and they use tht as a protective hairstyle of their own and has their own history but other Asians (like Russians ect.) who literally have no historical connection with black protective hairstyles like afros or box braids or white people who literally have zero reason to need protective hairstyles other than for appearance itā€™s just weird. Let me elaborate: itā€™s weird how when I was a kid wearing box braids was deemed a distraction and lil white kids will openly cut off my hair and nothing will be done and instead Iā€™ll get in trouble for coming to school like that. Itā€™s a lil weird how if I wore an Afro to school I will be called ugly and weird but now other races with afros are deemed inspirational and attractiveā€¦ Itā€™s weird when I wore a durag the teachers called the police because she assumed I was in a gang and selling drugs on schoolā€¦ but now itā€™s just ā€œa fashionable thing so I donā€™t have to do my hair in the morning and still look good.ā€ I get random tickets if the cops canā€™t see my eyes through my kinky Afroā€¦ even while driving properly. Itā€™s just weird growing up black women are called ghetto and ugly even by black men for doing these protective hairstyles and now all of a sudden a non-black does it, itā€™s applause worthy never done before. Itā€™s not the hairstyle Thts offensive itā€™s how ppl treat u with tht hairstyle Thts offensive. People back than and even now connect ghettoness and unprofessional to black people when they have protective hairstyles but when an Asian or white person does it suddenly their beautiful and appreciating the culture. Itā€™s just weird, and maybe Iā€™m just jealous tbh. Iā€™m jealous tht Iā€™m the hairless ugly monkey when I do these beautiful hairstyles but non-blacks are changing the fashion history. Like can we not just have this one thing tht is so deep-rooted without being called sensitive or rude. Can we pls have this one thing tht we try to empower youn black people with. Why does it suddenly become an issue when black people just want to gatekeep something so skin deep. Every race has specific hairstyles to protect their hairs with but y do ppl want to do badly use hairstyles specifically for 4C or kinky hair??? Itā€™s just weirdddd. Most black people donā€™t Asianfish because we understand how disrespectful it is to change ur appearance so drastically that you look more a certain race than tht race does. Idk about Asians but if I saw someone in a sexualized kimono/hanbok (not a regular kimono but one tht is provocative) with chopsticks in their hair I would find it extremely inappropriate and borderline offensive because if you look at the history of kimonos and hanboks it has deep rooted meanings and itā€™s weird sexualizing something as elegant and pure as tht. I have enough morals to know if Iā€™m going to put on a kimono or hanbok Iā€™ll wear it with the upmost respect it deserves. Iā€™ve worn many Cheongsam, Hanfu and hanboks in my days (because my adopted family are predominately Chinese and Korean so for certain traditions I would have to wear those) and Idk how many times a white girl online has commented ā€œThis is Asianfishing stop sexualizing Asians.ā€ And when u proceed on their profile their dressed in a skimpy Japanese school girl uniform. But when I wear those traditional dresses I still act like me. When I speak Chinese Or Korean I donā€™t suddenly change my whole personality to be strict or cutesy but when people wear protective hairstyles they suddenly start acting like a stereotypical black person, like being loud, eating hot Cheetos, overally long ass nails, start clapping everytime they want to make a point or in an argument. So it just feels out of place when they didnā€™t act like that before but all of a sudden they using AAVE or they start saying shit like ā€œIā€™m 2% [certain black ethnicity]ā€ But uses Jamaican dialectā€¦ Itā€™s just weirdddddddddd. And Idk how to tell you how weird that issssssss. Sorry now Iā€™m rambling but my point is people nowadays are turning historical traditions into a fashion statement when it shouldnā€™t be. Donā€™t turn kimonos, hanboks, cheongsam and hanfu into a Halloween costume and donā€™t gaslight black people into thinking their insensitive for wanting to gatekeep literally probably the only thing they can control in America. Idk y this is only an issue in America tho. When I go to Haiti no non-black person there is wearing protective hairstyles and even in China and Korea at least nowadays they have not really stopped but the amount of people have definitely died down. Iā€™ve had Koreans come up to me and ask me ā€œhey Iā€™ve been thinking of getting this hairstyle and I just want to know if itā€™s offensive.ā€ And all I have to tell them is youā€™re going to loose a lot of hair or even go bald if not done properly, or ur gonna be washing oil out ur hair for weeeeeeks & they usually donā€™t like tht idea and decide not to. But for the people who still want them I tell them Iā€™ll do it for you & Iā€™ll do a couple of braids (not their whole head, just a couple so donā€™t come at me) and Iā€™ll show them how to style it so it doesnā€™t look like their being disrespectful but just trying to actually appreciate the look. And you know Whts the difference between them and Americans is???? They act the same exact mf wayyyyyy they donā€™t start saying nigga nigga nigga everytime they talk to someone and they donā€™t suddenly forget how to speak like they usually do. They are for the most part very professional and friendly. Ok so now Iā€™m done with my 2 cents Srry for bringing this back up again.

    See you in hell June 23, 2021 7:34 am
    Ik this conversation is prob over n sorry for bringing it back up but uh yeah the dreads r kinda weird ngl. Im personally okay with certain Asians who had history with I forgot the name but itā€™s not dreads bu... See you in hell

    Ok so the hairstyle for Asians tht look exactly like dreads/braids is called Sikha. I forgot which person who had the friend with dreads, if they had Sikha than they wasnā€™t appropriating dreads but uve been saying dreads so I doubt it was Sikha. Sikha did originally come from India (yes India is in Asia) but it had become so popular that it migrated all the way to Japan. Either way if your friend wants dreads than maybe tell her about Sikha and see if anyone around her does Sikha. First do your research because it came from Hinduism so Idk if it has a religious meaning I didnā€™t look to hard up on it but even Buddhists wore Sikha so Iā€™m not sure on religion aspect. And Iā€™m on saying Sikha for the Asians who want dreads so white people pls donā€™t take this and run with it and start saying ā€œthese are not dreads these are Sikhaā€™sā€ because you could be appropriating a religion and a race at the same time. If yā€™all white people really want a protective hairstyle tht looks like dreads but arenā€™t dreads Iā€™ll research it for you, but I doubt Iā€™ll find anything because black, & Asians have a lot more genetic similarities so Thts y Sikhaā€™s work for Asians. I really think yā€™all just donā€™t have the hair DNA for some of these hairstyles so justā€¦ uh donā€™t. But if u so badly want a protective hairstyle of your own that is not appropriateing any races or religion itā€™s a matter of research and if you donā€™t want to do it. Iā€™ll do it for you, Iā€™m planning on going to study hair styles so Iā€™ll need the knowledge anyways.

    See you in hell June 23, 2021 8:07 am
    Ok so the hairstyle for Asians tht look exactly like dreads/braids is called Sikha. I forgot which person who had the friend with dreads, if they had Sikha than they wasnā€™t appropriating dreads but uve been s... See you in hell

    Ok So white people so far you have a fucking lotā€¦ idk y u want other races hairstyles but your protective hairstyles are 1. Chignons, 2. French braids, 3. French Twist, 4. Twisted Rope Braids, 5. And a bunch of different type of braids and buns. Than again it all depends on what type of hair you have if you have 1a hair search protective hairstyles for tht type of hair. If u have 2b than search up tht type of hairstyles and if you have 3c ur most likely mixed and your hair will be able to withstand the weight of box breads and dreads without you thinning and becoming bald. And if anything yā€™all can wear wigs unless itā€™s a Afro wig, kinky wig, coily wig, dread wig ect. Any other type of wigs are perfectly find. I donā€™t know if cornrows would work for yā€™all but when you wear a wig do some type of braids like cornrows and make it nice and tight and than do the usual wig laying. Just search on how to lay wigs for white people and some videos of white people putting wigs on should pop up. There are plenty of hairstyles people arenā€™t gatekeeping from yā€™all, Idk y some of yā€™all want the ones tht will probably ruin ur hair and ur scalp & make u look flat out dumb asf tbh.

    fairytailpiano42 June 23, 2021 2:29 pm
    Thank you very much for your kind words Īµ=Īµ=(惎ā‰§āˆ‡ā‰¦)惎, I really hope you have a blessed day and life ahead of you (āŒ’ā–½āŒ’), again thank you very very much from both of us, we really appreciate yo... abyss

    Thank you and ur welcomećƒ¾(ā€ā•¹ā—”ā•¹)ļ¾‰~ don't worry to much about small stuff like that, also cani take u guys up on the offer to help dress in a kimono since the other person most likely wouldn't want it lol, i so wanna dress in a traditional kimono one of these days(ą¹‘ā€¢ć…‚ā€¢)Łˆāœ§

    AS4 February 11, 2024 4:13 pm
    Ok So white people so far you have a fucking lotā€¦ idk y u want other races hairstyles but your protective hairstyles are 1. Chignons, 2. French braids, 3. French Twist, 4. Twisted Rope Braids, 5. And a bunch ... See you in hell

    Thank you for dictating what I am and am not allowed to do with my hair as a white woman ^^
    So does that mean all those hairstyles are exclusive to us ? So non-white people can't wear chignons or French braids, or dye their hair blond ? Such an interesting and not at all racist view of the world !

    AS4 February 11, 2024 4:15 pm
    THANK YOU !!!! I am also a black person n I hate when people try to tell me what is and what isnā€™t offensive to OUR community like babe youā€™re not even one of us .. wonhomilkytiddies

    It's not that we dictate what is or isn't offensive to you, it's that we don't care <3 Or is my offense at your racist and ignorant comment less important that your offense because I'm white ? Interesting, but I would say that I disagree

    AS4 February 11, 2024 4:18 pm
    Imma give it to you straight I personally donā€™t give a damn what happens to your friends hair wether it falls out or stays in her head for the rest of her life but what I do know is that, that shit is offens... Nana331

    ...so let me get it straight. You're angry that people are no longer discriminating against black people for their hair but in fact that aspects that are considered to be "of black culture" (even though locks are not specific to black people and only an ignorant American could think something so stupid) are so widely accepted now that people of other races adopt them ? You do realize that that is dumb, racist and illogical, right ?

    AS4 February 11, 2024 4:19 pm
    yes u have to be black to have them pimp named slickback

    No you don't

wonhomilkytiddies June 20, 2021 1:58 am

my mans was really devouring his ass for almost 2 hrs .. LMFAOAOAOAOAOOA NAUUURR HAHAHAH

wonhomilkytiddies June 18, 2021 3:32 pm


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