I absolutely loved the 1st vol. But the 2nd vol is so bad! T~T
It made me absolutely hate them both. That is exactly the wrong kind of "character development" Like, Danno's going to be off to uni in a few months and what, they can't handle 4 days apart? what's with that!? And don't even get me started on Tsukasa... What he said to Yoshii behind Danno's back made me want to spit. Tsukasa has the luxury of saying whatever he wants because he's not a "gay man" what a total c*nt. And this is coming from someone who loves manga with jealousy plots. But all this was just so unwarranted and ridiculous, I'd expect to see it in a shoujo title aimed at 11yo.
Too many warning signs to count in this one and I'd tell Danno to run, if I didn't find him just as pointless and pathetic. But I mean heck. If you liked it, good for you.

uh...they're teenagers? in their first seriousu relationship ever? ofc they gonna be a little ridiculous/immature? lol (thats why so many yaoi are set in HS, one to appeal to younger readers and two its a good way to just have everything be a Really Big Deal cause thats how it is when ur that young and in love!)

Here’s the Blcd if you want it https://blcd.online/series/boku-wa-kimi-no-iinari/

Kureshima possesses one of the most beautiful and terrifyingly sadistic smiles I've seen, without having to take a selfie.
But I gotta say. Getting real bored of people trawling through the comments just to leave hate. I find it really pathetic actually. Like, laughably so.
It's got Psychological in the genre tags and Possessive Lover AND Bully in the top tags. If you know that certain things aren't to your tastes, simply don't read them. That should be obvious. Shouldn't it..?!
If you have enough time to write numerous nasty, hateful and shaming comments, maybe you'd be better served using that time to research the manga first. I mean, it's as easy as glancing to the bottom right of the title page. But you know, maybe that's just too hard or triggering for you and maybe you just all find the drama too alluring.
Pretending to be paragons of morality, when in reality you're just discontented and looking for a fight.
Btw, this most certainly is NOT an invitation to "school" me, I don't care about you, your opinions or your misguided attempts to seem better than everybody else.
Just because a relationship doesn't mirror the type that you grew up watching on the Disney channel, that doesn't mean that it's any less valid, or that there's any less love involved. Some people give and receive love in completely different ways and it's not for anybody outside that relationship to say what's "right" or what's "wrong" within it.
This far exceeded my expectations. It’s a slow burn, but gorgeously so. For me, it’s one of those stories where all the little things fall into place the further you read, making for a beautiful and compelling picture. It’s more than just a revenge/romance story. The way it unfolds, the character growth and the psychological journey of love and friendship, really is genius.
My heart stopped when I saw that panel in chapter 86, and it finally dawned on me as to why he kneeled in front of the grave for three days… and the tattered bird of light… this story broke me in all the right ways.
you get itttt everyone is hating on it but if you just change the genre from romance to psychological then it makes more sense.