Hmhmhmhm I don’t know anymoreeee, liek? I kinda don’t wanna read this anymore, even if the seme, “likes” the uke, this is too much
HAEBOM is literally a magnet for stalkers
Can we just like... talk about how the mom is naked... and how the mom legit watched her son have sex with cauis or we not talking bout that? (⊙…⊙ )
Hmhmhmhm even if she does have character development I’m still gonna hate her Σ(-_-๑)
Haven’t seen haebom this angry before XD
Holy shit...........THATS HOT NGL
THE KIDNAPPING????!?!?(⊙…⊙ )
Yues ( 'ω')
We shouldn’t ship this kind of relationship.....ZZZZZZWHO AM I KIDDING WE ALL FUCKED UP BAHAHAHAH
Can we all just appreciate how beefy taesungs become, LIKE HES TWICE THE SIZE OF HAEBOM and a flippin 8 pack... 8 PACK WTF
You’re hot, but I’m sorry even if you have steam... imma shove some poop in your mouth
My fucking heart is going to explode, LOOK HOW MUCH THEY PROGRESSED!!!We watched them grow up from kids, going to high school, collage and work.Bruh i can read more than 1000 chapters of them just growing old together
Hmhmhmhm I don’t know anymoreeee, liek? I kinda don’t wanna read this anymore, even if the seme, “likes” the uke, this is too much