One of the ways being a good parent is knowing when you cannot be a good parent. He knew he couldn’t take care of himself let alone a baby and so he gave Mari to people who would love and care for him. That is being a good father. I do not ascribe to the view that biology is what makes you a parent. I have seen and experienced too much to believe that. I myself do not want to give birth to a child but I do want to adopt one day. Or it’s possible that I’ll meet a partner who already has children and they will be mine. However, when I tell people this I either get looks of astonishment/incredulity, told “it’s crazy that you think that.” or in one case the person just flat out told me it was impossible to love a child that isn’t biological yours and when I insisted that have I seen and experienced loving and caring for children who are not biologically yours I was laughed at. Being a parent is about more than just making a baby.

Okay so he wants that house. He wants to create an opportunity to buy the house and taking that painting will give him one. Mildred wants to sell the damn house when the girls get married anyway. Granted he doesn’t know that but he does know they are very tight financially so offering a price on the house won’t exactly be unwelcome to Mildred. Is he trying to get the house for a lower price and no outside competition? If so then what plan does he have for the painting? Maybe he thinks that if Mildred has more money she will be less willing to sell him the house? So, is he going to tell them that the painting is not real and give them a counterfeit? That way when he offers to buy the house they will be more open/desperate to sell it to him. Guys tell me if my line of thinking is sound because if so I want this man to BURN.
Also, side note, what was that panel that had a scene of them on a picnic like before? Was that a memory or part of the painting?
Love them so much.