King of Cows created a topic of Oko-sama Star

I miss them and I fucking love them so much!!

The artist for this manwha is Narak. So you can see that some of the T-Shirts brand name is after them.
Also, they did the art for the series ‘A Business Proposal’. And, in Ch. 38, you could see the cameo of the kids.

Season 1 ended with 39 chapters and also on hiatus at the moment.
Season 2 is TBA. To Be Announce.

Whether it’s a good or bad translation. I’m surprise that no one has picked this up yet since this has at least 47 chapters.

Raw link:

King of Cows created a topic of One-Way Romance

That’s it. Where is the rest of it?!?
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Why the f*ck is it so short.

Damn. I wanted to see more of this. Of how it will turn out into his growth to adulthood or something.

King of Cows created a topic of Kocchi Muite Glare

I guess I’ll see you guys for the next chapter next year.

To those who didn’t know about this information about ducks. Now you know.

King of Cows created a topic of Jinx

The redemption arc better be good and worth it.
Although, my vulgar side tend to enjoy the sex scenes between them. How conflicted I am.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I was bored and wanted to input this.
It just a hypothetical thought that I have after reading 3 chapters. You may ignore it but for those who are interested, let’s be really open minded about this.

First, for those of us who know about the omegaverse. We know that when an omega goes into heat out of the blue. Most alpha don’t have control and goes with their instinct. So they end up being a rapist, if they don’t have the omega consent. Like I said, most but not all alphas are like that. Some have control.

Second, it’s about the omega’s heat. Even if she has a poor financial situation, she could have just bought some just to prevent it from happening. Like, don’t walk into a creepy dark alleyway or bad things happen kind of deal.
Also, she knows she was an omega and I hate to say it but omegas get the short end of the stick. She should have known that if you’re an omega and you’re not carrying suppressant whether you have a cycle heat, irregular heat or a late heat, you’re gonna get rape. But, I’m not going to criticize her too hard because no one expects bad things to happen to them. She was just going by her day and then boom, not knowing her heat came late and she was trying to reach her home safely but it just so happen for an alpha to stumble upon her.
As for the alpha, he should have know that he’s an alpha and could be affected by an omega’s heat. So, he could have carry his suppressant to prevent himself forcing onto her but what if he didn’t carry any or what if he was already affected too much to the point where he’s not thinking straight to use the suppressant or call for help. Therefore, leading to a bad outcome. Also, same thing as the girl. I’m not going to criticize him too much as well because what if he was just minding his own business and boom, an omega in heat and you’re affected and you can’t control your instincts.
I guess to summarize what I was saying. it’s more of a situational awareness and going by your day thinking nothing bad will happen but sometimes, sh*t happens.

Third, we didn’t even hear or know the Alpha side of the story because he didn’t even have a chance to explain. Since it’s the p.o.v of the omega due to the her trauma since the omega keep voicing her opinion but my girl, let him speak. Listen to his side. Who knows, it could be a huge misunderstanding. (So, just get that communication is key but sometimes people just like to beat around the bush or keep secrets or hold their opinions, etc.)
Also, I don’t blame the omega for not listening to him in the first place. She has every right to hate her rapist and wants nothing to do with him. She’s traumatized for goodness sake. Leave her alone.

Fourth, the alpha threatening the girl. Maybe he did that for her sake by looking at her environment and is genuinely concerned about her and the kid but the only way to get a traumatize omega to listen is by playing the bad guy. (Cause I swear. Some people will only understand you when you’re a b*tch or a villain to them.)
BUT, he could have done this in a more gentle way about it, as in kindly talking to her from a distance or asking someone to relay the message for him. There’s a lot of ways he could go about this and his dumb*ss just went the wrong way about it and you’re a doctor. Or are you just dumb.

Fifth, the child. Low key, they piss me off. Like how are you going to go ‘papa’ to a stranger you barely even know. I understand if you say uncle. Like, you’re old enough to speak and somewhat understand. Kids are somewhat perceptive. Is your bond with your mom so weak that you’re going to cry about your mom getting angry at your biological dad, who’s practically a stranger, that you just met a week or two. (I think)
Then again, in some omegaverse stories. The child will feel a special bond with their biological parent even though they’ve been gone for a few years. Or they been seeing the good side of the dad and not knowing what their mom is going through since she’s also keeping up with the facade. Or the child is desperately wanting a dad and hope for a happy relationship.
Anything can happen in these scenarios and then again, you’re a kid but I was hoping that your bond with your mom is much stronger. (Cough cough like Kiraide Isasete, it’s a BL omegaverse story)

Lastly, I was keeping a positive thinking to the story and of course, criticizing their actions. Basically that’s it.
Unless, at the end, the alpha is actually a conniving, manipulative p.o.s and I’m totally wrong about all him cause you may never know until you got the full story and it’s only 3 chapters so far.
Then again, it’s fiction. Anything goes as the author/artist wants. There’s probably a lot that I have left unsaid but feel free to input your own thoughts.

I’m still patiently waiting on
<Tied to you> will return soon with our characters as fully grown MEN…
( T◡T )

King of Cows created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

First the dragon and now, the human.
Sheesh. The drama.
( ̄∇ ̄")

The title and the summary got me. No need to call me out like that.

King of Cows created a topic of Jinx

And… the bullshit continues.
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

King of Cows created a topic of Oni to Tengoku

This series is still ongoing at the moment if you guys were wondering but I don’t know if there’s any new chapters out.

-Oni to Tengoku (Vol 1 & 2) Completed
-Oni to Tengoku Sai (Vol 3) Completed
-Oni to Tengoku Kyuu (Vol 4) Ongoing

King of Cows created a topic of Tekno

This comic is on drugs. The references and comedy is hilarious. I freaking love it.