We have “cakeverse” now what else

There are more but some can be found only in doujin stories at the moment:
-Usagiverse/bunnyverse: the shape of your ears determine your personality.
-Pomegaverse: ppl transform into pomeranians when nervous & anxiety.
-Iceverse: similar to cakeverse but it's more tragic. There are ice people with low body temperature and juice are the one ice ppl can feel warm but if they stay together they both die.
-Dollverse: People divided in 2 categories -dolls and players.
-Butterflyverse: people categorised in 5 types: butterflies, moths, spiders, bees and regular humans. Dark themes with survival kind of stories.
I think that's all. Pretty sure more type of verses will appear over time ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

The one bunnyverse I remember right now is this novel here: https://www.cmoa.jp/title/1101234061/
This genre has more fanart/art than manga at the moment. This page gives more details about bunnyverse: https://blnews.chil-chil.net/newsDetail/32917/.
I just found there are more verses, like gardenverse or letterverse. This page also talks about all these verses: https://blnews.chil-chil.net/newsDetail/21043/
My guy got his dream to come true